Steve Forbes recently sat for an interview with CNBC regarding the impeachment proceedings currently going on inside the House of Representatives and what it could mean for Trump in 2020.
The interviewer asked, “Could Trump lose 2020 because of this impeachment process now and what would you say are the odds of a Warren led democratic government now?
Forbes actually gave a very good and accurate answer to the question:
Steve Forbes: “Impeachment is not gonna happen. They are doing it for political purposes… The thing to watch for is what our Attorney General in the US is doing, Attorney General Barr is going to be releasing in the next few weeks in terms of his investigations on what was happening with the CIA, the FBI, and certain White House officials leading up to the 2016 election and afterwards. A lot of bad things were done. That’s going to dominate the news. This is a big scandal coming. And it’s going to take all this other stuff off the pages.”
He’s absolutely right and the Attorney General’s report is going to be MASSIVE! Just yesterday the Department of Justice announced that the probe is shifting into misconduct within the FBI and Justice Deparment itself from prior to the 2016 election and even into some of 2017.
According to Fox News,
One source added that DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s upcoming report on alleged FBI surveillance abuses against the Trump campaign will shed light on why Durham’s probe has become a criminal inquiry. Horowitz announced on Thursday his report would be available to the public soon, with “few” redactions.
The investigation’s new status means Durham can subpoena witnesses, file charges, and impanel fact-finding grand juries.
Fox News reported on Tuesday that Durham’s probe had expanded significantly based on new evidence uncovered during a recent trip to Rome with Attorney General Bill Barr.
Barr reportedly told embassy officials in Italy that he “needed a conference room to meet high-level Italian security agents where he could be sure no one was listening in.”
As an unbiased Canadian observer with no dog in this fight, here’s my unbiased analyses of the Schiff/Nadler/Pelosie news cycle.
Every witness in the Schiff/Nadler Quid Pro Quo coup attempt sequel has only served to highlight the fatal flaw in their persecution of President Trump.
President Trump exercising due diligence before handing over taxpayer cash to the Ukraine is not a crime, it’s a duty.
Biden on the other hand, threatening to cut off funding to the Ukraine if they didn’t fire the prosecutor investigating his coke head son Hunter, was just the plain old extortion, obstruction of justice, and the normal corruption we expect from Democrats,
Obama secretly handing over pallets of cash and gold bullion to Iran in exchange for a worthless Hillary election enhancing Nuke agreement, would fit the classic legal definition of a Quid Pro Quo crime, and an illegal in-kind foreign campaign contribution as defined by the FEC, and
Hillary handing over 30% of the US Uranium stockpile to Russia in exchange for tens of millions of dollars in donation/bribes to the pay to paly Clinton Foundation slush fund, and the 300K plus speaking fee the Russians gave to Bill, has no equal when it comes to flagrant corruption and treason we expect from Democrats, but nothing to see here folks, we have an election to overturn.
Just an unbiased statement of facts from an unbiased Canadian observer.
“Obama secretly handing over pallets of case and gold bullion to Iran in exchange for a worthless Hillary election enhancing Nuke agreement”… was Obama giving back Iran’s own money ($8 Billion US) that belonged to Iran in the first place… with interest— from November 14, 1979 when President Carter had frozen Iran’s assets.. pertaining to the Iran hostage crisis. Perhaps, Obama was using Iran’s own money as a bargaining chip regarding a Nukes deal? But, it was not money belonging to the US. Also—- Iran does not want nukes for bombs. Iran wants nukes for powering Iran’s grid. It is against the Laws of Islam to use weapons of mass destruction.. thus, murdering millions of innocent people. Thats a United States thing. US has no qualms in murdering hundreds of thousands initially.. to millions residually.
The fun and games of the Democrat Communist Party is going no where.
I’ll believe it when I see it, The political elite (leties) have ways of insuring things and people don’t get reveiled and are unable to testify, Just look at the CLINTON HIT LIST