A shocking confession came out recently pertaining to the popular court cases of the hit Netflix documentary “Making A Murderer”.
The inmate told the filmmakers of another upcoming documentary series “Convicting a Murderer”, that he was the person responsible for the death of Teresa Halbach.
The director of “Convicting a Murderer” which is the second installment of the series told Newsweek,
“We haven’t confirmed the legitimacy of the confession, but seeing as it was given by a notable convicted murderer from Wisconsin, we feel responsible to deliver any and all possible evidence to law enforcement and legal teams. Having been in production for 20 months, we’ve uncovered an unfathomable amount of information and evidence that is leading us to the truth. Our investigation does not end here.”
The confession did not come from either Steven Avery or Brendan Dassey, but rather it came from a third party.
If this confession is actually reliable, this could exonerate both men from charges and release them from prison.
According to Newsweek,
Kathleen Zellner, Avery’s current lawyer, has a handful of theories that point to other members of the Dassey family as Halbach’s killers. She’s spent years recreating parts of the crime scene and evidence in hopes of proving Avery couldn’t have committed the murder he’s convicted of.
If Avery is exonerated, it will be the second time he was wrongly convicted of a violent crime in the state of Wisconsin.
Convicting a Murderer is a 10-part documentary series currently in post-production, according to the Internet Movie Database. The series aims to be a sequel to Making a Murderer, but will include parts the Netflix series left out, Rech told Newsweek in January.
“I watched Making a Murderer, like tens of millions of others,” Rech said. “After watching the series I was angry with law enforcement, and even embarrassed as an American because of what appeared to have happened to Steven and Brendan. But after doing a little bit of follow-up research I learned that not only did I not have the whole story, but I was misled by the series. And I’m saying this as a fan, not as an established documentary filmmaker.”
Photo Credit: Netflix/YouTube
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