Someone In U.S. Is Encouraging Illegal Immigrants To Come Here

As masses of immigrants pour into the country, a common occurrence has been noticed by U.S. officials.

Migrants from Central America have been claiming that local newspaper advertisements have been promoting free assistance and work opportunities from the U.S. government.

According to The Daily Caller,

“The whole world knows, they put it in the news. They tell us everywhere if you come to the United States, they’ll help you,” said a Honduran woman apprehended at the southern border near the Rio Grande Valley. Speaking to CBS 4 news, a local news outlet, she and her family claimed they decided to make the trek to the U.S.-Mexico border after seeing several advertisements.

Numerous ads in Central America, reportedly paid for by operatives in the human smuggling business, are promising locals jobs and free help from the U.S. if they reach the border.

“Yes, we’ve been told that, we read it on our newspapers. That’s why we’re here,” said a Guatemalan pastor who was also apprehended in the Rio Grande Valley area.

Additionally, the ads are telling readers that they have a better chance of getting through law enforcement if they bring a child: “We’ve been told if you are a father you can bring your child and you will be helped here if you’re in that situation,” the pastor explained.

This really isn’t surprising as this has been suspected for some time now.

It’s long been suspected that George Soros has been using his money and power to pay for these caravans from various countries.

You’d think that our government could get down to the bottom of this and figure out why all of a sudden immigrants are coming over here in record numbers.

Maybe if they’d ease upon President Trump now that the investigation is over and there is no collusion or obstruction that they could devote some times doing something meaningful like stopping people from breaking the law.

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