Social Media Outcry After White Students Win Civil Rights Contest

This is Black History month so there is much celebration of MLK and other black historical figures. The University of Montana decided to hold a writing contest to honor Martin Luther King Jr., and after four white students won, there was much outrage as many felt this was not a fair outcome considering the topic. But it is not the fault of the judges. They couldn’t have chosen a minority to win the race, even they had wanted to. The reason a black person didn’t win the contest has a lot to do with the fact that not a single black person participated. What are they supposed to pick a random black person and write the essay for them? But surprisingly even with that fact revealed people were still up in arms…

The backlash on social media was swift and searing and, perhaps most interestingly, multiracial.

More than 1,100 commenters, many of them self-identifying as white, took to Facebook to call out university officials for being “tone-deaf” and “shameful” and criticizing the contest as a “colorblind mess.”

The critics questioned how the selection committee could think it appropriate to move forward with the contest after only getting six entries, all submitted by white students.

“Jesus Christ this is shameful and embarrassing, and I say that as a pasty ass white girl,” said one commenter. “I’m cringing for you because clearly none of you who ran this contest were raised with the good grace to do the cringing yourselves. You should be ashamed of yourselves.”

Another poster said he could “not understand how anyone would think remembering the legacy of MLK Jr. is achieved by giving four white girls a shout out. If the university does not have black voices to lift up on MLK Day, then find them.”

The university called criticism of the contest results both “fair” and “troubling.”

“Yes. These students are white. But the color of their skin does not preclude them from submitting an essay, publicly honoring MLK or working toward equality,” read a post on the University of Montana’s Facebook page.”

This is absurd. You can’t be angry at this outcome. The school was trying to honor MLK’s achievements, they should be praised for it. This kind of treatment is how you get people to stop celebrating things. And really next year they should consider keeping it low key as apparently outwardly celebrating MLK is frowned upon if you’re white.

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  • Just have the winner claim to have “identified as of-color” while she composed the winning essay. If a guy feels like he is a girl, then he IS a girl. Last night, when I felt like I was Kevin Costner, I WAS Kevin Costner. Simple.

    • Olde – works for me, and it did for racheldolezal as well – at least until she got caught.
      Sadly, the complainers are totally clueless and absolutely missed MLK’s call to judge people by the content of their character…………………………

  • Here’s the problem with all these little candy-a$$ cretins; they truly believe that because someone is white, or “not of color,” that they is NO WAY that person or group of individuals could have ever experienced discrimination on any level. Well, as a white woman, who grew up in and around the middle east, I can tell you that that is absolute and utter BULLSH*T!!!

    • Yeah that’s crazy. Maybe if some black students would have got off their lazy asses and wrote an essay they would have won. Of course, if the had written one and lost to whites that would have really pissed off everyone.

  • Didn’t know that to enter an essay contest..that you had to declare your race or skin color to be eligible for the contest….

    • Now days with all the brainwashed children ( that being from 5 to 30 years old ) it does in fact seem to be the case. Whites are racist , that’s all they want to believe.

  • When you honor a person with an essay it shouldn’t matter what color your skin is. The very fact that not ONE black person wrote to honor MLK while only whites did would be a bigger insult as the black community didn’t bother to honor the man who made great strides in getting them equality. The shame is that only whites felt MLK was owed the honor. If there is a need to make a stink well here it is, NOT ONE BLACK PERSON WROTE TO HONOR MLK. ZERO, NONE. That is the real problem. If you can’t be bothered to honor MLK then shut up and sit down. You have no right to complain.

    • Took the words right out of my mouth, and said it a hell of a lot nicer then I was going to. Good job by you…

  • It is saddening to hear this. If blacks, woke whites and maybe other POCs don’t want to celebrate MLK as a National Holiday, it might be a good idea to remove it from the calendar of National Holidays.

  • The social justice crap has to stop permanently, it only divides the races not integrate the races which was MLK desige.

  • I think we should abolish MLKD. To honor a person because of their skin color is racist. If we want to end racism, this would be a great step forward!

  • “I have a dream that one day when my four little children will live in a nation where they will be judged not by the color of their skin, but the content of their character.”

  • And just like that a few more with oh so rare critical thinking abilities have new insight just who the real racists actually are.

  • Why did they even mention the skin color of the winners? Isn’t this about color not mattering, that everyone has an equal opportunity to try, everyone has an equal opportunity to win, everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed? Not to award the prizes to the best essays would give the signal that effort is not rewarded, the opposite of King’s message.

  • This is the kind of liberalism/communism/Nazism that is infesting most of our colleges and other public school systems in this country today. Like the so called Democrat Party, it needs to be eradicated.

  • Wow, so the little snowflakes got their panties in a bunch just because – NO BLACKS PARTICIPATED – , in this BS ??.
    That tells you just how far the left has brainwashed the younger people in this country. SO NOW IT IS RACIST, EVEN IF NO BLACKS PARTICIPATED lol. What a bunch of f,,king b..l S;;t .

  • The snowflakes should read what MLK wrote or listen to his speeches. His message was that the color of one’s skin shouldn’t matter and that all people are created equal.

  • Just give the award to any black person who wants it and declare them the winner. That’s right, take the award away from the white person who earned it and give to a black person who did absolutely nothing to earn it.
    That is exactly what the “Affirmative Action” program is. It get non-deserving people of color a benefit they did not earn just because of their skin color…you know Racism!!!
    How else do you think Obama could have possibly become President??? = Affirmative Action works, all the way to the top. Remember, Obama was half white from his mom’s side, yet you have never heard him play that card have you. Nope, the Race Card has more benefits.

  • Perhaps they could point out the FACT that the estimated deaths from the Civil War is roughly 800,000 (25% of those serving died). That’s a pretty high price to have paid to free blacks from slavery. That would give someone of either white or black ancestry a Right to write an essay. Maybe they could even have referred to the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments which were passed by Republicans of white ancestry and voted against by Democrats of white ancestry. Or maybe even the 1957 Civil Rights Act which was voted down by Democrats and the 1965 Civil Rights Act which was passed by Republican votes.

  • This is a ‘cultural appropriation’ issue. If the Blacks at U of M are too damn lazy to write a thesis on the subject, but they don’t want any one else but blacks to be able to win the essay contest, screw them. What a bunch of idiots. If the University of Montana decides it wants to host an essay contest on George Washington, or the Marquis de Lafayette, would only white students be allowed to enter? Imagine the fallout. If these ignorant sots, who demand that only they be heard on a subject that involves them, then they at least need to ‘speak’ on the subject, or shut the hell up.

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