Snowflake Upset “Woman” Not Used In Constitution Gets SLAMMED…BIG Time!

Eric Swalwell…a Presidential Candidate (supposedly), said this:

“Do you know how many times the word “Woman” is mentioned in the Constitution? Zero. That is unacceptable. Women must be equally represented and equally protected.

According to Fox News,

Democratic presidential candidate Eric Swalwell has been roasted after stumbling over his knowledge of the Constitution in a bid to score political points.

Swalwell, a California lawmaker who launched his bid to become the president last month, has been struggling to get a footing in the crowded Democratic primary, with 19 other Democrats overshadowing him in both the money raised and policy ideas.

But the Congressman remains unabated and has repeatedly courted progressives as his supporters, promising to select a woman as his running mate because he’s a “white man” who knows “where I can’t speak to someone else’s experience.”

“That is unacceptable. Women must be equally represented and equally protected,” he added, advocating for the Equal Right Amendment, a suggested amendment to the Constitution that would guarantee equal legal rights to everyone no matter their sex.

Twitter users absolutely LIT him up.

Charles C.W. Cooke replied, “Man” isn’t in the Constitution either.

Sean Davis tweeted, “Do you know how many times the word “Man” is mentioned in the Constitution? Zero. There’s dumb and then there’s “can’t read or use CTRL+F before tweeting” dumb.”

One more good one came from Amy Swearer,

“Now do the word “man.”
Also zero.
The words “people,” “person,” and “citizens” are used dozens of times, and the last time I checked women are all three of those things. It’s patronizing (and worse, dehumanizing) to suggest that we’re not equally people or citizens.”

This is a very poor excuse for a Presidential candidate. If the man doesn’t even know what the Constitution says, how is he possibly going to be able to uphold what is held in it?


Photo Credit: JD Lasica

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