Sickening Dispute Over Stimulus Check Turns Deadly For 4 Including 7-Year-Old Daughter [Video]

Seems like the stimulus craze is real and why wouldn’t it be? Democrats have shuttered businesses throughout most of the country putting maddening financial strains on families everywhere. That, by no means, excuses the actions of Malik Halfacre of Indianapolis who police say shot 5 peoples, killing 4 all over stimulus money.

Money, that reports show, Halfacre wasn’t entitled to, but I guess he didn’t see it that way. Indianapolis police say that Halfacre busted into the home of his 6-month-old daughter’s mother demanding half of her stimulus. The mother, Jeanettrius Moore, said that Halfacre does not work or pay child support and claimed that the single mother is the sole provider to her 4 children, according to told WXIN-TV.

Moore was allegedly afraid of Halfacre and agreed to give him $450 of the $1,400 check, but no more. This enraged Halfacre who was also demanding her tax refund, relatives say:

“He wanted some of Jeanettrius’ tax money, stimulus money,” her cousin, Wendy Johnson, told the station. “She said, ‘No, you don’t deserve any of this. I work. I take care of our child. You don’t do anything.”

Her cousin added, “He said, ‘I’m gonna get that money.'”

Family members say that Halfacre stormed out of the house only to return later. That when, they say, things took a fatal turn:

According to the Post, “Halfacre later returned to the home and started going through Moore’s purse looking for the money when Daquan Moore tried to intervene to help his sister, prompting Halfacre to just start ‘killing everybody.'”

Relatives identified the victims as Moore’s 7-year-old daughter, Eve; Moore’s 23-year-old brother, Daquan Moore; her 44-year-old mother, Tomeeka Brown; and her 35-year-old cousin, Anthony Johnson.

Wendy Johnson added, “He shot Dequan first. He shot Anthony. He turned around, and he shot my Auntie Tomeeka. My Aunt Tomeeka said, ‘Malik!’ and he shot her again. He came back and shot Daquan for the second time and somewhere between little baby Eve got hit somewhere and she was screaming, she was screaming.”

Authorities say Halfacre fled the scene with the 6-month-old baby but that she was later recovered Sunday, unharmed. Halfacre was found hiding in an attic, as a coward would, Monday. He was arrested for murder, attempted murder, and robbery.

Halfacre told police that “she [Moore] made him kill everybody. She made him do it.”


Moore, who has lost her 7-year-old daughter has been released from the hospital after being treated for her gunshot wound has not released a statement of her own but her family says she is devastated. The family says their bond and faith will get them through this horrific time.

The Marion County Prosecutor’s Office is still investigating and does not expect to make a charging decision until later today [Thursday], according to spokeswoman Destiny Burgos.

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