By no means have my thoughts on CNN changed because of one single interaction, but I have to say I was a little shocked to see anyone at CNN throwing hardball questions at the Biden White House. The Biden border crisis is hitting daily new highs and with all of the media coverage, CNN had no choice but to grill someone.
Instead of picking a direct top official, host John Berman drilled White House – Mexico diplomat, Roberta S. Jacobson for answers on the inhuman conditions at the border. It’s not the ideal person, but it is progress for the liberal media outlet and let’s face it, no one talks to Biden.
His handlers won’t allow a live one-on-one.
“There has been criticism that these are things that should have been done before changing the policy about unaccompanied minors coming over the border. So why weren’t they done before?” Berman questioned.
Jacobson attempted to shield Biden by saying that he hasn’t been in office long enough, “Well, I think it’s important to understand that this administration has been in office six or seven weeks, um.” The reality speaks for itself, he made changes to the previous policy that cause the crisis
Berman intervened, “but in the short term, and I’m talking weeks, weeks at this point, what is the administration doing to reduce the number of unaccompanied minors coming over the border?”
Jacobson then added that Biden has been in talks with “Mexican, the Guatemalan, the Honduran, the Salvadoran governments” since he took office. He sure the heck has, he ended the Trump agreement with the three nations that thwarted the immigration issue.
“You’ve spoken about the message manipulation that is taking place with smugglers, sending these messages to families and children coming to the United States. Democratic congressmen Henry Cuellar — and I’m using Democratic politicians specifically because it would be great to get politics out of this, He has this to say about this.” Berman destroyed that excuse, showing a clip of Henry Celular who said no one in Mexico had gotten Biden’s message to ‘not come’.
Berman doubled down, “The administration’s message is not coming through,” says Congressman Cuellar. Why? Why isn’t it getting through?
Jacobson claimed it’s not Biden’s fault, it’s those pesky smugglers.
Berman corrected her claim saying even officials didn’t get Biden’s message, “It’s not just those people who are getting that message. The Mexican president said the other day, of the migrants, “they see President Biden as the migrant president.” How do you respond to that?”
Jacobson responded, ” Well, I think what President Lopez Obrador is reflecting is the fact that President Biden came into office with a much more humane message.”
Calling what’s happening around the southern border ‘human’ is an insult to the intelligence of Americans. We are back with the same issues Trump worked to defeat before. Children being used to gain access under dangerous conditions and then abandoned at the border. This time, there isn’t enough space because Biden shut down the facilities and the children themselves have repoed that there isn’t enough food. Journalists at the border reported children sleeping on the floors without proper bedding. Cramped together- forget about COVID-19.
Humane? What a JOKE!
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