Senator Feinstein Now In Twitter Battle With Kids After They Visit Her Office

In a hilariously awkward turn of events, Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein is having some back and forth with some kids after they paid a visit to her office recently.

The kids are part of a group known as the “Sunshine Movement” which is supposed to be a group of young people who are brainwashed into pushing for idiotic ideas for solutions to global warming like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal.

In fact, that’s the very reason why they went to visit Senator Feinstein.

When the Sunrise Movement posted the video to Twitter, they added that,

This is how reacted to children asking her to support the resolution — with smugness + disrespect. This is a fight for our generation’s survival. Her reaction is why young people desperately want new leadership in Congress.

Take a couple of minutes and watch the video below. It’s hilarious.

Another progressive advocacy group, MoveOn, retweeted the video with the message,

In this video, was rude, dismissive, and out of touch. Instead of talking down to her constituents who’ll deal with consequences of climate change their whole lives, she should start supporting real climate solutions in line with what’s needed to address the crisis.

Here’s the thing, she was a bit rude, but I probably would have been too if I kept getting cut-off when trying to talk. And another thing is that this small group of people does not represent the majority of Americans in California. Most people know that this Green New Deal is a travesty of a bill. So even if there is some support, that doesn’t mean she should do what the small group wants.

Senator Feinstein later tweeted and called the group the “Sunshine Movement” by mistake,

“I want the children from the Sunshine Movement to know they were heard loud and clear,” Feinstein responded in the tweet. “I have been and remain committed to doing everything I can to enact real, meaningful climate change legislation.”

She later fixed her mistake, but the group still want to pick a fight.

As of now, there has been no response from Senator Feinstein on how she spoke to the group.

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