Progressives have been doing their best to ruin our country. Critical Race theory is their latest push and it will ruin this country for good if we don’t stop schools from teaching it. But it looks like a Texas Legislator has the right idea. Rep Chip Roy of Texas has proposed a bill that should put a stop to critical race theory, at least in Texas. He wants to defund schools that teach this divisive theory.
Daily Signal’s Rachel Del Guidice interviewed the Texas Rep. about the bill he has brought forward.
Del Guidice: It makes it so much better. It’s great to be in your state. So, you have a bill to defund schools [that] teach critical race theory. Can you tell us about your bill?
Roy: Yeah. Look, what America is having their eyes opened to, and I think that’s one upside, if there is an upside to what we’ve experienced over the last year with the COVID shutdowns—and there aren’t that many upsides, right?—it was, I think, a terrible undermining of small businesses and our kids being in schools with masks or not being in school.
But what now the American people are seeing is they’ve had the veil lifted on our corrupt public education system. They’re now actually starting to see the garbage that’s being taught and shoved down the throat of our children.
Part of that garbage has been critical race theory and all of the various tentacles that critical race theory creates, in which we are teaching our children to believe that America is evil, to be ashamed of “their whiteness,” and how they can undo their whiteness.
There are so many stories, if you go look. And people ignore [this]. They say, “Oh, this isn’t real.” No, it’s real. Go look at the curriculum, go look at what’s being taught.
And this stuff is, frankly, being purposefully put into the minds of our kids rather than teaching our kids that America is great. Rather than teaching our kids about what we can achieve and moving forward, they want to break down our country.
So I don’t believe that any federal dollar should go to any school, K through graduate school, that teaches any of this. And so we’ve introduced legislation, the Combating Racist Teaching Act, HR 3163, to do just that, to remove all federal dollars from any school that teaches any of that stuff.
Del Guidice: Can you talk a little about how—you mentioned this briefly in your opening remarks—but how critical race theory is affecting what children learn in schools? Can you talk a little bit more about what these kids are hearing in their classrooms from their teachers?
Roy: “Yeah. So, this goes all the way from the issues with training teachers to teach this, and then this stuff gets implemented.
It’s not like they roll out the CRT manual. It’s not like they just go, “Oh, here, we’re teaching critical race theory today.” What they do is … they train teachers and each one of these little things in nuggets gets buried throughout the curriculum.
So when you’re teaching history, when you’re teaching different events, and then you just start dropping this stuff in there about teaching children how to deal with their whiteness. Or they read books, actual books that are titled “How to Manage Your Whiteness and Talk About How America Is Evil.”
And it’s all under a Marxist theory and trying to move our children to the belief that our country isn’t great and that we’re evil and that we’re evil because of systemic racism.
They use that, they use what we naturally as human beings, as Americans, as Christians, as believers, whatever that we believe, “Hey, the wrong of slavery, the wrong of Jim Crow policies in the South that we want to fix, move forward, make sure that all Americans are treated equally,” they use that to then infiltrate, essentially, the education system to promote Marxist theories and undermine our country. And it’s purposeful.”
Watch The Video Below.
I hope this takes off and lawmakers across the nation pass similar legislation. Critical Race Theory is an attack on white people and tells black people they are perpetual victims. It sets the nation back decades. We need to put a stop to it any way we can and Rep. Roy has a great solution.
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