The Biden Administration is trying to appear woke. They claimed the George Floyd showed the world how racist we are. So New York Post Reporter Steve Nelson reminded Biden that he is actually responsible for many of the problems we have today. But when asked Psaki didn’t seem interested in talking about Biden’s past…
“STEVEN NELSON: President Biden yesterday, responding to the George Floyd case verdict said that George Floyd’s death, “ripped the blinders off for the whole world to see the systemic racism in the United States.” But he’s an architect of multiple federal laws in the 1980s and ’90s that disproportionately jailed black people and contributed to what many people see as systemic racism. Activist Cornell West said that Biden was one of the core architects of mass incarceration and that, “I think Biden is going to have to take responsibility and acknowledge the contribution he made to mass incarceration.” To what extent does President Biden acknowledge his own role in systemic racism? And how does that inform his current policy positions?
JEN PSAKI: Well, I would say one of the president’s core objectives is addressing racial injustice in this country, not just through his rhetoric, but through his actions and what anyone should look to his advocacy for passing the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act, for nominating leaders to the Department of Justice, to address long-outdated policies and to ask his leadership team here in the White House to prioritize these issues in his presidency, which is current and today, and not from 30 years ago.
NELSON: But does he believe it’s important to accept his own culpability for [INAUDIBLE] the system?
PSAKI: I think I’ve answered your question.”
Watch The Exchange Below.
Nelson destroyed them with that question. Psaki pulled out the sass in response. She was clearly upset about that question. Her answer was, we are trying to focus on the good he is doing now, not his rotten past. So is Biden helping us by overrunning the country with migrants? Or is it that he is allowing confused boys in the girl’s lockerroom?
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