Project Veritas Uncovers Rep Omar’s Shady Voting Scheme

We have all seen Rep Ilhan Omar marginalize 9/11 and concentration camps. She doesn’t seem to care about the suffering of others. You can tell that even more so with her recent push to defund the police, with no plan on how to protect Americans from criminals after the police are gone. But this lack of empathy seems to go much further, as it has now been revealed that she was/is also planning to sabotage our Democracy and intends to rig the upcoming election in her favor.

Project Veritas revealed that Rep Ilhan Omar has people collecting absentee ballots from Senior Citizens. They are then filling them out as they please. It’s unclear if they are stealing the ballots from the elderly or just lying and telling them that they will fill them out for them. But this is clearly election tampering.

An investigation from Project Veritas purports to show that “Omar is engaging in illegal ballot harvesting and a cash-for-ballots scheme in her district in Minneapolis,” Newsweek reported. “The group, which has targeted mainly liberal groups with ‘sting’ operations, posted a video late on Sunday showing what it claims is evidence of an illegal effort to harvest absentee ballots.”

Watch The Clip Below.

The Minneapolis Police are also looking into the matter.

ALLEGATIONS OF VOTER FRAUD BEING EVALUATED. The MPD is aware of the allegations of vote harvesting. We are in the process of looking into the validity of those statements. No further information is available at this time on this.”

Trump even weighed in on Omar’s attempt to steal the election.

“This is totally illegal. Hope that the U.S. Attorney in Minnesota has this, and other of her many misdeeds, under serious review??? If not, why not??? We will win Minnesota because of her, and law enforcement. Saved Minneapolis & Iron O Range!”

Perhaps this is how she won the first time. But she definitely should be disqualified in the upcoming election if this all rings true. But knowing Omar she is going to make some crazy claim about how she is being targeted because of her background, regardless of the fact that she is tampering with our Democracy.

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