Pompeo Reveals The Alarming Reason We Left The WHO, And Where COVID Came From

This Pandemic has really redefined how we look at China and the World Health Organization. During the early stages of the pandemic the WHO was working with China and they were all over the place when it came to symptoms and what was actually happening. In the beginning, they were parroting China saying the Corona Virus was not transmittable from person to person, despite Taiwan telling them otherwise. It appeared they were not advocating for the health of the world, but instead being the mouthpiece of China. Former Director of the CIA, Mike Pompeo, said they were “bending the knee” to China and further revealed that there is significant evidence that this was lab-made.

During an interview with Fox News Pompeo said the following.

“I must say the reason we left the World Health Organization was because we came to believe that it was corrupt,” Pompeo said. “It had been politicized. It was bending a knee to General Secretary Xi Jinping in China. I hope that’s not the case here with what they’ve announced today.”

“I’ll look forward to seeing their reports and analysis, but I don’t believe it’s the case that they got the access they needed,” he added.

“I hope they got to see all the data, all the science, into the lab, talk to the doctors, interview them in private, in places where they could actually tell the truth about what took place,” he continued. “Not under the supervision of a Communist Party person sitting in the back of the room making sure that they toed the Communist Party line. I look forward to seeing their results. I continue to know that there was significant evidence that this may well have come from that laboratory.”

This is huge that our Former CIA Director is still saying that COVID was a lab-created virus. It means that China is that much more culpable for this whole thing. If they were messing around with viruses and create this pandemic there should be some sort of repercussion. We can’t let that slide, here in the U.S. we are almost at half a million Americans lost to this pandemic. But who knows if Biden will actually step up and do what is necessary.

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