Pelosi Appoints Anti-Israel Muslim To House Foreign Affairs Committee

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi appointed a newly elected Representative to the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

That Representative is Ilhan Omar, a Democratic Muslim who is an anti-Israel, and even supports the boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel which is an antisemitic act because it only focuses on the Jewish state for isolation. She is one of now four Muslims in the House of Representatives.

However, during her election campaign, she claimed that she didn’t support the BDS movement and even said it was counterproductive to peace.

In 2012, Ilhan Omar posted a tweet claiming that Israel has hypnotized the world and called them evil:

Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel.

When confronted about the message Wednesday by CNN’s Christiane Amanpour, Omar replied, “those unfortunate words were the only words I could think about expressing at that moment.”

In fuller context, Omar said,

“I remember when that was happening watching TV and really feeling as if no other life was being impacted in this war,” Omar told CNN’s Amanpour, referring to Operation Pillar of Defense, Israel’s November 2012 incursion into Gaza in response to a number of aggressive actions by Hamas, including the launching of over 100 rockets on Israeli civilians.

“Those unfortunate words were the only words I could think about expressing at that moment,” Omar said. “What is really important to me is that people recognize that there is a difference between criticizing a military action by a government that has exercised really oppressive policies and being offensive or attacking to particular people of faith.”

But you know what, they’re Democrats, who cares if she’s anti-Israel, one of our strongest allies. Let’s put this biased Muslim woman in a committee that has to do with Israel and hope she’s honest, or maybe not.

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