North Korean Defector Has Eye Opening Message For Americans

People all around the world want to come here to America. It is one of the few countries where people can be free. But liberals don’t understand that and are actively ruining our country. It is truly telling when you hear from an immigrant just how bad things have become here. North Korean Defector Yeonmi Park fought to get here. So she was surprised that after attending one of our colleges that she was asking herself if she was still in North Korea.

Yeonmi Park appeared on Hannity and talked about how she feels our country reminds her of North Korea

“When I was in North Korea the first thing I learned was Americans were b*stards… When I came to America I fell in love with this country, this is such a wonderful country, I have never been accepted as much as I am here. At Columbia University literally, every professor was saying problems with the world are because of white men. They colonize Africa, they mess up everything and they are the ones who should be blamed. I couldn’t believe it, Am I sitting in North Korea’s classroom or America? I couldn’t believe why people were hating their own people that much,” Park said.

Hannity then asked Park how she felt about the leftist propaganda here.

She explained that she felt it was “heartbreaking” that she came here to be free but finds that she has to constantly censor her speech in the name of safe spaces. “If America is not free then there is no place left that is free.”

Watch The Clip Below. 

It is sad when a defector of North Korea comes here and finds similarities. We need to reform our schools and take all of the politics out. Liberals have infected our Education System to the point that a North Korean defector thought she was back in Korea when she heard them push their propaganda. This is unacceptable. We should all feel ashamed that we allowed our schools to get this bad. We are Americans, home of the free, it’s time we step up and stop these toxic leftists.

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