North Korea is making some bold moves as they are already under scrutiny for the second missile test where they fired ballistic missiles in sea between the Korean Peninsula and Japan. They even got sleepy Biden’s attention. Biden responded but with a weak warning that the U.S. would respond if they choose to escalate. So now it looks like North Korea is showing how little they care about the international response as it seems they are building nukes.

A satellite image of North Korea’s Yongbyon Nuclear Research Facility acquired on March 30, 2021, shows continued activity at the radiochemistry laboratory (the facility used to reprocess spent fuel rods) and its associated thermal power plant that may indicate preparations for, or the start of, a new reprocessing campaign. This follows activity previously observed at the thermal power plant during the past four weeks. This activity, taken in combination with short-range ballistic missile and cruise missile tests since January, may all be components of a strategic political move by Kim Jong-un to continue slowly ratcheting up pressure on both the new administration of President Joe Biden and South Korean President Moon Jae-in or a combination of both.”

Analysts with the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) said the Yongbyon lab is “used to reprocess spent fuel rods to extract plutonium for use in nuclear weapons,” and that activity at the site could suggest that North Korea is in the early stages of ramping up parts of its nuclear program.”

Biden and his babysitter need to get on this pronto. We need to get North Korea to calm down and realize they are playing with fire. They should be de-nuclearized before they attack a neighboring country. Kim Jung Un’s sister has already been making threats about how the United States needs to back off. But we need to make them realize that they are by no means in a position to threaten anyone.