Biden is now taking a beating from both sides of the aisle for the epic Afghanistan failure. The Biden Admin really messed this up and he is not even taking full responsibility for it as he points fingers at Trump and other predecessors. But no one forced him to evacuate Americans in this half-@ssed way. Nikki Haley appeared on Fox News and trashed Biden for this humiliating failure, explaining this evacuation is all on him.
NIKKI HALEY: “It didn’t have to be this way. In just a few hours, literally, Biden destroyed the progress, the relationships, and everything we had done the last 20 years in Afghanistan. And I think about this from the standpoint of, I’m the wife of a combat veteran that served in Afghanistan. All of our military families are very distraught at what we’ve watched happen and how we basically were run out of town.
As a governor who sent units to Afghanistan, promising that we would always hold them up as heroes, that we would always respect them and always have our respect as a country there for them, and I think about how they’re let down. I think about as ambassador, when I actually went and visited Afghanistan and the women and girls that I met with, the women who were holding positions in government, the girls who were going to school, and now they’re going to go back to being sex slaves hidden in their homes?
This is horrible. This could not have gone any worse. And it’s, you know, Biden’s trying to make this about what his options were. You know what? He didn’t have to have it this way. It’s not always what we do, it’s how we do it. And he failed miserably. He humiliated America and the world sees us as less safe right now, and that’s all because of Biden. It’s tragic.”
Watch The Clip Below.
She is absolutely right. This evacuation didn’t have to be this way at all. It was clearly planned by someone that doesn’t know his head from a hole in the ground. There is no good reason that we just abandoned thousands of Americans. It speaks volumes about the Biden Admin’s incompetence and really shows our enemies that we are in a weakened state.
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