DR–NASA Says Massive Asteroid Dubbed “City-Killer” May Smash Into Earth In 2022

Do you remember the movies Deep Impact and Armageddon? Both were about enormous space objects heading for the earth with the potential to destroy the planet.

In one of the movies, disaster is averted thanks to some heroes who break up the object. In the other, a piece of the object crashes into the earth wiping out New York City as well much more and killing millions.

NASA is now saying that this is a potential reality for us.

According to Brobible,

NASA is giving everyone plenty of time to prepare for a potential asteroid collision with the Earth. Astronomers have provided the exact date that a city-killer asteroid the size of the Great Pyramid of Giza could potentially smash into Earth.

Asteroid JF1 is heading towards our planet, and there is a slight chance that the space rock could collide with Earth. The asteroid has a diameter of over 420 feet or roughly the size of the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt…

There is a one in 3,800 chance the asteroid will hit Earth on that day, according to NASA…

If JF1 smashes into Earth, the impact will release 15 kilotons of TNT, which would be more than 15 times larger than the atomic bomb that decimated Hiroshima in 1945.

An asteroid of this size is classified as a “city-killer” because the space rock is large enough to pierce through the atmosphere without breaking up and obliterate an entire city. If the asteroid missed the land and splashed down in the ocean, it could unleash a powerful tsunami that could kill a large number of people.

We have plenty of time to act. This includes sending some sort of explosive device to try and break up the asteroid, we could potentially land something on it and steer it off course, or maybe it will miss us completely.


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  • Actually, 15 Kilotons is about what the power was of the bomb that hit Hiroshima. There are differences. One is that the meteor would hit the ground and create damage. The bomb over Hiroshima was an aerial burst with incredible heat and radiation generated. There would be no radiation from an asteroid. There would be a lot of ground shock that would do a lot of damage, but the air and ground would not be contaminated with nuclear radiation. I like the idea of sending Adam Schiff into space to investigate it to death.

    • Skip, you are great and thanks for your input, not just Pencil Neck but the old whore from San Francisco, named Pelosi, La Puta.

  • Well they’ve know this for many years but haven’t done a damn thing to protect the earth. No countries will band together to fight this, just fight each other.

  • So I should go ahead and buy that Ferrari on easy credit terms early 2022? Do we have it narrowed down to a month? I can’t afford more than one payment . . . timing is everything!

  • OMG! The sky is falling! The sky is falling! A one in 3800 chance that it will hit earth, unless it breaks up, unless it changes position. Let me make a prediction. We’re all going to die, someday.

  • This will make university students happy. They would rather be killed by an asteroid than see Trump reelected.

  • yea right…if it hits it hits and there is nothing you can do to stop it so deal with it. lets just hope that if it hits it hits on the west coast so our liberal problems are finished once and for all.


  • Please do some research before writing. The Hiroshima bomb produced an explosion of 15 kilotons magnitude, not one kiloton. Still the asteroid size can unleash plenty of destruction. I can’t decide which one SF or New York I would like to go up in smoke. Plenty of garbage to burn in both places.

  • If it hits let’s hope that it either hits California or just off the west coast! Either way it’ll take care of all the corruption , and pedophilia!

    • There is a common misconception that all of CA is liberal. There are plenty of good people and conservatives in CA. The state is run by the big cities. The rural areas don’t deserve the fate you wish upon them.

    • Daniel Spickard, you are my kind of man/hero, it’s California with Nasty Nancy, Adam Pencil Neck Schiff and in Washington State, that idiot governor.
      We can forgive Massachusetts and her “Cherokee Renegade” Pocahontas Warren.

  • Well, the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima was 15 kilotons, the same as the power claimed for the asteroid should it hit, The bomb used on Nagasaki was 22 kilotons.

  • The Hiroshima bomb HAD a yield of 15 kilotons, not one kiloton, so if the asteroid had that, it would be equivalent. However, an object the size of a pyramid would probably be closer to the MEGATON size or more.

  • For the folks who pointed out the variations in the kilotons,– ya gotta remember that the writers of these stories don’t mess with facts or investigations of what the story is supposed to be.

    • Helen N:
      Of course, it will make 11 million dollars mansion that the Kenyan and “his man” bought recently in Martha’s Vineyard.
      Suck it to them hard and deep.

  • OK, all I can say is get your affairs in order, the only thing is that my Kids and Grand-kids will have to live with the devastation, Oh maybe a little Prayer might help!

  • Survival Beneath Yucca Mountain, a novel (release date: April 20, 2020) exposes the unimaginable. A monumental asteroid slams into earth near the apex of the “Ring of Fire,” setting off a chain reaction of earthquakes, volcanoes, tidal waves and fires that envelop the earth. Only a few well prepared could possibly survive.

  • The good news is that we may not have to wait ten years to learn if we die as Popsicles or boiling in our own pudding.

  • 1 chance in over 8000 is not so terrifying, it will be worse if Creepy Joe Biden or Crooked Hilary Clinton became Prsident in next term.

  • Send Pelosi, she will confuse the hell out it and won’t remember where it is suppose to be heading.

  • Well, the exact date is not given in the article and the video was banned by You Tube! We may never know unless Adam Schiff investigates it! 🙂

  • See the movie Meteor from 1978 had a joint then US Russian missile defense to break up said asteroid whose piece did hit NYC, on DVD

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