MSM Pundit Claims GOP Is Just Trying To Conserve White Supremacy

This is what passes for political commentary on MSNBC these days. MSNBC’s Ali Velshi and Brittney Cooper talked about how Florida has passed anti-rioting legislation. Velshi is against the legislation and advocates for rioters. Cooper, his guest, backs him up claiming the GOP is just trying to consolidate the white supremacy in this country. So being against violent mobs, looting, arson, and vandalism is white supremacy now?

Velshi’s ridiculous exchange with Cooper.

Velshi: “…they’re talking about getting convicted unlawful assembly and — and you know, they’re a lot of my — a lot of my — maybe not my viewers but a lot of people in America who would say well, if you’re — you’re conducting unlawful assembly, you should be in trouble. Except so many of our lawmakers, so many of the people who changed the unjust laws in this country did so through unlawful assembly, including Martin Luther King. The — the — the concept of riots, which are determined locally by police, you can get stuck by just showing up in something that someone decided was a riot.”

Cooper: “Look, I — I think the thing we have to be clear about is that the GOP has abdicated their investment in governing. They’re not giving us any semblance anymore that they care about rights or protection of rights or humanity. They are engaged in a brazen, you know, sort of consolidation of white power. That is what this is all about. Appeals to truth, to justice, to notions of rights don’t compel them anymore because they see a country being taken away from them. They see a country moving too fast. They see a country becoming too inclusive. And so they’re trying to consolidate power. The second thing is that one of the sort of hallmarks of white supremacy is that it always values property over life and when you see these kinds of, you know, perverse bills that say you must protect your monuments or you can’t get state funding, that’s actually part and parcel of how white supremacists have thought about what it means to be a part of the body politic, that these are the same people who turned people into property and so certainly they have always cared more about their — about property than about life and so, you know, I think we should stop trying to figure out where the moral compass is or what they are trying to do….”

Watch The Clip Below. 

The Left gets away with murder when it comes to the MSM. Cooper is just out of her gourd with her reasoning. No one should be advocating for violence. We have the right to peaceful assembly, not the right to tear apart cities, whenever we feel like it. But Cooper and Velshi don’t seem to understand it so it’s racist to them.

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