Morning Joe Tries To Help Biden Rewrite History

If you look back to when this virus first came around Trump was on it. He quickly ordered travel restrictions and shutoff places like China and to ensure the virus didn’t hit U.S. shores. The MSM and Biden claimed he was xenophobic and criticized him for taking action to protect Americans. If not for his actions we would have a considerably higher infection and mortality rate. But that’s not how “Morning Joe” hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski remember it. They claim that Biden saw the Corona Virus “coming like a steamroller.” So are they saying he knowingly put his supporters in danger?

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To be frank, Biden did write about the virus at the end of January:

To be blunt, I am concerned that the Trump administration’s shortsighted policies have left us unprepared for a dangerous epidemic that will come sooner or later.

Pandemic diseases are a prime example of why international cooperation is a requirement of leadership in 2020. Diseases do not stop at borders. They cannot be thwarted by building a wall. We cannot keep ourselves safe without helping to keep others safe as well and without enlisting the help of other nations in return. And here’s the truth — the United States must step forward to lead these efforts, because no other nation has the resources, the reach or the relationships to marshal an effective international response.”

It was more of an attack on Trump than anything else. But Trump went to work putting forth travel bans and eventually created a task force. They came out with guidelines to try and contain this virus. Meanwhile, Biden was encouraging people to go out and vote for him even in the recent primary in Wisconsin just a couple weeks ago against the advice of the CDC… But I guess that’s not somehow relevant.

The Biden campaign, arm in arm with the media, are currently attempting rewrite history. We saw it this morning from Biden adviser Symone Sanders, who blamed Trump for the small business loan program running out of money. In her world, Pelosi blocking the bill all week wasn’t a thing that happened. It’s in this same alternate universe that Biden was really on top of the pandemic and not actually a complete know nothing until mid-March as the receipts actually show.

You can expect this kind of thing to continue as recriminations are made going into the 2020 election. In truth, it was mainstream outlets like CNN and The New York Times promoting the idea that the flu was worse than the Wuhan virus into late February. That was part of a push to accuse others of racism in relation to their caring about the dangers.”

Biden would do no better had he been in charge. If you look at his recent gaffes and blunders it appears that he is not all there, and Dems want to put our country in his hands? This is beyond desperate at this point… Jill Biden was telling Dems to vote Biden as he is the only one who stands a chance against Trump. But really Dems need to vote Trump as he is the only one running that could possibly lead us. These Trump haters need to get over themselves and realize that Biden is by no means fit to serve our country. He forgot his name, what he position he is running for, and the most troubling where he was while standing at a podium in front of supporters. I am just amazed that Dems are still voting for him.

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  • wait a minute where did this lying Joe and his whatever you call that thing and Beijing Biden come up with this crap.if you remember Biden and the Democrats and the media,called Trump a racist and every other name in the book when he said nobody from China can come to the U.S. how can they sit their and lie right in front of you, look at the dates.these people are the scum of this country and the media.just look at the time table.

  • Boring Joe and his so called wife are just JOKES. Dems always rewright history it’s sicking. That JOKE JOE doesn’t even know what day it is. Joe saved the United States that is so funny just like Obama was a great PRESIDENT only in their own head’s. God help us!

  • Who is even watching this guy’s show? The 7 people who also watch Rachel MADCOW. Come on they can’t be taken seriously anymore. And listen, I find the polls, as usual, are wrong. They show Biden with a lead???? Are You Kidding Me. There CAN”T be that many STUPID people in America…… But the polls were wrong about Hillary also, weren’t they?

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