Media Research Center Finds PolitiFact Is Anything But Unbiased

Biden has been getting a pass non-stop. Liberals have been going out of their way to cover for him. It is a full-time job to make a senile old man look competent. But back when Trump was in Office they claimed they were all about transparency and supposed nonpartisan fact-checkers like PolitiFact were constantly questioning the validity of the president. But according to Media Research Center PolitiFacts is doing far more defending of Biden than fact-checking.

PolitiFact insists that they are nonpartisan fact-checkers. “The PolitiFact agenda is – don’t take sides with any politician or party,” claimed editor Angie Drobnic Holan. “We’re independent and we work hard to find the truth. So we follow the facts wherever they take us, regardless of who made the claim.”

That claim is not factual. A new study by the Media Research Center finds that four years ago, PolitiFact offered 52 fact checks with a “Truth-O-Meter” ruling of Donald Trump in his first 100 days (January 20 to April 30, 2017), while in the same period this year, PolitiFact offered just 13 fact checks of President Biden.

Since the media insist Trump’s in his own category on truth and falsehood, let’s suggest a different metric. On its website, PolitiFact splits its Biden verdicts into “Facts Checks Of Biden” and “Fact Checks About Biden.” Our review of the first 100 days shows 13 fact checks “of Biden,” and 106 fact checks “about Biden.” That’s an eight-to-one disparity.”

It seems PolitiFact has proven they are just another Liberal organization pretending to be unbiased. 106 Fact Checks in defense of Biden and we are not even six months in. Biden has lied far more than eight times. You could say his whole unity speech was just full of lies. There is nothing uniting about forcing critical race theory into our schools, packing the courts, or infringing upon the rights of women. But PolitiFact likely gave Biden plenty of excuses.

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