McConnell Responds To Trump’s Harsh Criticism

This past weekend, during the RNC Donor gathering, Trump went on a tangent about a few GOP members that he felt truly failed him. He said Pence had really disappointed him and with McConnell, he did not hold back at all, calling him “a son of a b***h.” So now that some time has passed McConnell has finally responded.

Q: “Over the weekend the former president criticized you rather harshly, also the NRSC gave President Trump an award for freedom, your reaction to both of those developments.”

“What I’m concentrating on is the future and what we are confronted with here is a totally left-wing administration, with a slight majority in the House, a 50-50 Senate trying to transform America into something no one voted for last year. No one voted to transform America into something totally different,” McConnell explained. “50/50 Senate, couple seat majority in the house, they want to try to fundamentally change America into something it’s never been, so that’s what I am concentrating on.”

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Senate Minority Whip John Thune (R-S.D.), McConnell’s top deputy, on Tuesday said the Senate GOP leader doesn’t have any ill will toward Trump and wants the feud to end.

That’s one reason why McConnell didn’t take the bait at a press conference and hit back at Trump’s personal attack.

“Right now, it’s sort of a one-sided thing. The leader has no animosity and he’s made it very clear he wants to work with the president to get the majority back,” Thune said Tuesday.”

On Tuesday, he explained what he, McConnell, and other Senate Republicans are thinking.

“Everybody right now, including the leader, who is a target, is saying we are more interested in focusing our ire on the Democrats, who with their policies are doing great harm to the country and these Republican family feuds aren’t helpful, aren’t constructive,” Thune said. “The leader is saying the president is blowing off steam and we’ll live to fight in 2022 and hopefully with the team all on the same page.”

Trump had a tough time while in Office he was fighting not only against the Dems, he also struggled to get his own party to back him and they had the majority in the Senate. Trump also feels the presidential election was stolen from him and the jury is still out on that as cases of fraud are still be found to this day. But it’s better that McConnell is looking to the future and just letting this slide, as the last thing this country needs is more division, especially in the GOP when Liberals are trying “to transform America into something totally different.”

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