How many people are going turn up missing or dead who have connections to the Clintons before someone actually legally connects all the pieces of the puzzle and catches them red-handed?
Anybody having dirt on the Clintons, or even possibly having dirt on them have found themselves dead, time after time. The statistical probability of someone knowing THAT MANY people who have either been murdered, committed suicide, or turned up missing is astronomical.
Nonetheless, another name gets put on to the list of mysterious deaths, Kurt Smolek.
Kurt Smolek has worked for both Bill and Hillary Clinton. He worked with Hillary at the State Department in Cambodia as a Diplomatic Security Agent. But what is important here is that he is likely connected to the PizzaGate scandal and have incriminating evidence against the Clintons. The next thing you know, his body was being pulled from the Potomac River.
According to TPN,
Cambodia is a country that is infamous for their human trafficking, child sex trafficking, and child sex tourism. The location where Smolek was stationed was a hot spot of this type of illegal activity, and it’s possible that he had been privy to some damning information on Hillary Clinton. While it can’t be confirmed exactly if Smolek had dirt on Hillary Clinton, one investigator by the name of George Webb is putting the pieces together as he searches for clues in Washington D.C. where Smolek’s body was pulled from the river. His website Webb stated:
“Yet another State employee is found mysteriously dead, his body pulled from the Potomac after being reported missing. This is related to PizzaGate as possible ties to the child trafficking and the criminals behind the numerous email and fraud related ‘mysterious deaths.’ There are clear links to overseas child trafficking hotspots, recent mysterious deaths related to the DNC / Clinton / email scandals, links to Clinton’s state dept.”
So let’s consider what we know:
- Smolek worked for the Clintons.
- He probably knew about the sex trafficking.
- He likely knew about Bill’s trips to Epstein’s Pedophile Island and Lolita Express.
- He was likely tied to Debbie Wasserman-Schulz who helped rig the DNC in favor of Hillary over Bernie in 2016.
- Wasserman-Schultz was a suspect in the death of Beranton Whisenant, who was investigating Wasserman-Schultz for the fraud in the DNC.
- His body was found in the same town where the DNC is.
Really though, what reason would someone have to kill him?
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