Not again liberals! Not again!
The biggest tv series of all time has just ended and already the liberals are trying to ruin it by accusing it of being white supremacist…seriously.
Timothy Malone, a professor from Antioch University called the show a “white power flick”.
Has he even watched it before? The show does have white people, but it also has blacks, midgets, and a variety of other non-white individuals.
Campus Reform reports,
In his original essay, he describes Game of Thrones as “a show about our relation to the prison, our obsession to disappear people, who, once on the other side of the wall, are not ‘people’ anymore. The wall represents the boundaries of ‘us’ as a nation, and those who are not ‘us’ and must be excluded: the criminal and the immigrant.”
Malone compares the wildlings beyond the Wall to poor whites and the White Walkers or Others to racial “others.”
“It is whiteness as social capital,” the professor explains in TruthOut. “You may be poor and at the bottom of the hierarchy, but at least you’re not Black, (or in this case, an ice zombie). That’s why [the wildlings] were located beyond the wall (the prison). In the show, they become deputized in the struggle against White Walkers; in reality, the device has been to turn some percentage of them into cops and prison guards with good benefits to ensure their loyalty to white supremacist capital.”
Malone went on to say,
“By definition, America is a white supremacist society. Racism is in our culture, it’s in our politics. It’s in our economics, It’s in our law. And if that’s the assumption, then racism — and sexism as well — are going to leave their mark on popular culture.”
“These white saviors are also empowered to contemplate things like genocide. This, too, is an example of the ultimate logic of white supremacy.”
Malone even said that Greyworm, the show’s highest-ranked black male character “must be literally castrated to be good”.
Never once have I thought that the show has any resemblance or inclination toward white supremacy.
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