We all see how gender identity politics are hurting America. There are parents who are jumping the gun and thinking their male toddler playing with makeup means he is secretly female in a male’s body, or a tomboy secretly wants to be a boy. Children go through phases and are curious, that used to be understood. But now we have overzealous parents who are pushing their kids into permanent body changes when they instead should be taught better, and if they can’t correct the behavior, then therapy should be the furthest parents go. Florida State Rep. Anthony Sabatini saw this and decided to act, putting forth numerous bills to protect minors. He assumed people would appreciate that he was safeguarding minors, but of course, he ended up triggering the left and was called anti-gay.
Meanwhile, Jon Harris Maurer, a policy director with Equality Florida, an LGBTQ activist group, described Sabatini’s bill and its Senate version as “a clear attack on some of our state’s most vulnerable youth.” Children with gender identity issues are certainly vulnerable, but not in the way Harris suggests.
“While the actual percentages vary from study to study, overall, it appears that about 80 percent of kids with gender dysphoria end up feeling okay, in the long run, with the bodies they were born into,” The Cut reported in 2016. Puberty blockers are also reported to be dangerous for children.
“It has been shown that puberty blockers interfere with the expected increase in bone density in adolescence such that the bones are not as strong as they would be had normal pubertal development been allowed,” according to endocrinologist Michael Laidlaw. “These lost years of bone development cannot be regained.”
Children should have the chance to grow up and become adults before permanently modifying their bodies. It is not fair to push these permanent changes on children or teens as their bodies have many changes to go through naturally. It is the parent’s job to safeguard their children and many are dropping the ball. I think this Florida Rep is on the right track, as some children apparently need protection from their own parents.
I agree, they shouldn’t let children under 18 have reassignment surgery….there are a number of people who have had it and DOESN’T LIKE IT
This is a good bill. The primary reason children have these problems is indoctrination and chemical exposure. But it is also important to realize those promoting sodomy and other deviant behaviors, i.e. the “LGBTxyx” movement, need to recruit children into the deviant behaviors so they are going to oppose things that protect children from being exposed to these deviant behaviors. And one question that must be asked is how many of these children with these issues have been subject to various types of actual abuse. Children, in a defensive mode, often adopt deviant behaviors as means to protect themselves physiologically. For instance, look at how children who are bullied at home bully other children.
These treasonous hypocrite libs(lying sack of Schiff) don’t know the meaning of the truth! They are at it again and just as mentally deranged as the rest of the Globalists NAZI Muslim Commie Liberal Demoncrats! Deep State, Pelosi, Waters, Schumer, Hollywood, Academia, Fake News, Swamp News and you know the rest!! Expose, Boycott, Sue, prosecute and bring to justice all these lying Fake News deep state treasonous Godless NAZI commie liberal demoncrats and RINOs post-haste,Patriots! Drain the rat infested swamp President Trump!
Seems pretty strange that spanking your child is “child abuse” but this kind of thing is acceptable.
May God have Mercy on us all.