Leftist University Students Attack Conservative Student For Asking Questions

Students like these are why we are having problems with our society today. Some Leftist students at the University of Vermont lashed out at conservative student and YAF activist, Nick Cabrera, for defending teachers at the University. The student council was trying to pass a resolution for a strike system, in order to go after racist teachers. The conservative student argued that there should be clear guidelines as to what is considered racist and felt there needed to be numerous examples before going after and labeling teachers as racists. Liberal students were not amused and felt it was not his place to comment on race when he is not black. So I guess asking for clarification about a resolution is not allowed unless you are a person of color?

Watch The Clip Below. 

These are some of the responses Cabrera received for simply asking about the vagueness of the student’s resolution.

“I’m going to keep this fairly short, because as a white person I believe that’s it’s my turn to listen and not speak out, but I know it’s not very civil for me to say this, and I may be removed from the meeting for saying this, but f*** you,” UVA student Regan Borucke said. “Your political beliefs are not in any way equivalent to a racial identity, and if you are a conservative on this, on grounds, you are not oppressed in any way, and you are not discriminated against, and any sort of harassment you typically bring on yourself through divisive speech. And I just want to say to any BIPOC members on the student council, I am so sorry. I am so sorry.”

Watch The Clip Below. 

“We should know that the Constitution, even the United States, is based on white supremacist notions; [so] the fact that we’re using the Constitution to uphold hate speech just shows how racist it really is. Additionally, YAF has constantly, [at] various times, posted videos that have led to death threats for BIPOC individuals, and they have not been held accountable by the university, by student council, so I’m just curious about the accountability that’s happening here,” student Diana Tinta said. “At this point, YAF has put a lot of students in danger by putting it on Twitter, putting it on other types of social medias, and I think that YAF should have some form of accountability. They should be honestly dismantled, and we should stop talking about the Constitution to defend their actions when it is based on white supremacy. Both of them are. And YAF should be dismantled and abolished.”

Watch The Clip Below. 

Cabrera was only asking that the student council be more clear as to what they found offensive in order to make the teachers more aware. But instead of acting in a civil manner they became triggered that Cabrera would dare question their plan as a non-black person. They even suggested he go and take a class to better understand racism. This is more of that classic liberal tolerance.

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