Jason Whitlock Snaps At Liberals For Mentally Enslaving The Black Community [Video]

Liberals received a massive reality check from conservative sports commentator Jason Whitlock Tuesday. Democrats have long shamed black American conservatives for supporting the Republican party despite Dems being historically pro-slavery. Democrats have worked to disguise their desire to oppress the black community by marketing themselves as the ‘inclusive’ party but the truth behind Democrats is that nothing has changed over the years.

Whitlock hit Democrats hard by calling them the “ideological descendants” of slave owners and shamed liberals for enforcing Dem’s ‘mental slavery’ stronghold over the black community.

“There’s this one group of people, who their most prized possession, their defining characteristic, is their skin color,” Whitlock said while guest-hosting on Glenn Beck’s radio program. “We’ll capitalize the ‘B’ in their description of themselves — and they’re black, and they’re different than everybody else, and their freedom is basically limited.”

“If you don’t stick to a liberal point of view, on all issues, you’re kicked out of the black race,” he said of the pressure put on black people in American society by the political left. “You don’t have the freedom. Every other group in this country has the right, the freedom, [to say] I want to be conservative, I want to be liberal, I want to be libertarian … everybody else gets to do that but us.”

“You must serve blackness,” he continued. “Blackness is your religion. Blackness Trumps God, Jesus, and everything. Your skin color is the most important thing about you.”

Whitlock went on to talk about one of his favorite unappolgetic comedians, Dave Chappelle. Chappelle, who rarely feels the need to explain himself, opened his act on ‘Saturday Night Live’ by announcing that he was black and a DEmocrat- as if the two were mutually exclusive. This kickstarted Whitlock’s search for answer as to why someone like Chappelle felt it necessary to use his race and political affiliation as a shield.

“But Dave Chappelle’s great-grandfather, being a typical American — loving education, loving freedom, and loving Jesus Christ — went to meet with the president,” Whitlock noted. “Now, anybody black that meets with [President Trump] gets kicked out of the black race. We don’t just get to pursue education, freedom, and Jesus Christ anymore. That’s been taken away from us by the ideological descendants of slavery.”

“They’ve imposed a mental slavery, in replacement of the physical slavery, and it’s more destructive than the physical slavery,” he said. “When they take over your mind, they taking over your body, your spirit, your soul. They disconnect you from God, and connect you to liberalism. It’s the capital ‘B,’ this special distinction, they’ve given us.”


Whitlock brought some serious talking points to the forefront that Democrats try to avoid. The liberal party feels some level of ownership over the black community and it’s blatantly racist. Take a look at how former vice president Joe Biden forcefully declared that if black Americans didn’t vote for him they ‘ain’t black’.

There are two glaring issues with Biden’s comment, not just that it was horribly racist. The first one being that Biden immediately vilified anyone in the black community that supports conservative values like family, god, and a fair right to the pursuit of happiness. The other issue is how he said it. Biden used slang, which isn’t part of his normal dialect. It’s a racially and regionally bias maneuver often used by Democrats when they believe the group they are addressing is ‘beneath them’.

Much like how Hillary Clinton will adopt a southern accent when addressing people from the South.

I think we are on the cusp of a new ‘woke’ movement. At least, I hope so. Democrats have pulled the wool over voter’s eyes for far too long and it’s time the party is seen for what they really are. What they have always been.

Now it’s up to conservatives to take time to expose how “liberals are wearing the hood,” Whitlock concluded.

H/T TheBlaze

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