Leftist Attacks 80-Year Old Trump Supporter

You’d think conflicts from the Left would lessen now that Biden has been declared president by the electoral college. But I guess Leftists can’t help themselves anymore. At a Trump rally in Swampscott, Massachusetts, Trump supporters gathered to show their support for our president. Liberals upset to see Trump supporters also came out to form a counter-protest which led to the incident. Ernst Jean-Jacques Jr decided to try to antagonize Trump supporters and as one supporter put it, he was gyrating in front of them.  Linda Greenberg felt he was too close and accidentally got some water on him and after that, it looks like Jean-Jacques punched her.

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Jean-Jacques left the scene after the apparent punch, but the Daily Item said police caught up with him and took him away in handcuffs.

But in the paper’s follow-up story about Jean-Jacques’ Monday arraignment, defense attorney Murat Erkan said Greenberg admitted to tossing water on Jean-Jacques in a police interview.

“I was drinking my water, and he was gyrating in front of me, and I was getting mad, and I did get water on him,” Greenberg said in the interview, the Daily Item reported. “I don’t want to lie.”

Jean-Jacques was released on a $550 bail bond and it seems Greenberg is a tough cookie as she did not seek medical attention after the incident.

Jean-Jacques’ lawyer claims that he was not punching but instead using an open hand to disarm Greenberg of her water. It looked like a punch…

It’s water, not acid. There no reason to get so aggressive. Why did he go after the little old lady at all? He could at the very least picked on someone his own age if he was looking to fight or better yet he could have just stayed home allowing people to freely express themselves. These Trump supporters were not bothering anyone. They had some flags and music, there was no good reason for Jean-Jacques to even be there in the first place.

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