Leaked Police Logs Show Just How Bad Things Are At L.A. Airport

Nearly 6 million people are expected to travel through L.A. Airport (LAX) this Christmas season and due to California’s booming homeless population, some of these passengers are going to, unfortunately, end up dealing with them. I am sure many of these encounters are less than notable but according to leaked police logs, there are many occurrences where the homeless are attacking.

Police records obtained by the I-Team show that LAX cops have responded to 1,023 incidents so far this year, many of them alleged crimes, involving the homeless.

This is a problem that comes with mental illness,” LAX Police spokesman Rob Pedregon said. “This is a problem that comes with homelessness.”

“NBC4’s I-Team said the report details numerous attacks and disturbing behavior from the homeless who camp at the airport’s terminals. They say that as many as 130 people sleep at the terminals on any given night.”

  • Nov. 24: “…guest complained because transient hands are in his crotch area. Being disruptive and yelling obscenities in front of children.”
  • Nov. 18: “…transients in the parking structure lower level next to blue fence, construction area, smoking drugs and yelling at one another. PR feels his workers shouldn’t have to work in a hostile environment.”
  • Oct. 15: “…pointing at people with his fingers making a gun symbol. Air shooting at passengers walking by…”
  • Oct. 1 “…spit on passengers.”
  • Aug. 27: “Transient spitting on chairs to prevent passengers from sitting down.”
  • Aug. 14: “…bathing in toilet water.”
  • June 6: “…transient urinated on the floor sitting by escalator.”
  • June 12: “…female…tye (sic) dye sweater threatening to fight passengers.”

Watch The Clip Below.

California is supposedly spending over a billion to fix the homeless problem, but they have let this problem go on for far too long. There are tens of thousands of homeless in California, and to make matters worse they are not even allowed to fine them for making the sidewalk their permanent home.  Maybe if they get some better leadership they could actually tackle this problem.

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  • Drive them to the edge of the airport and dump them in the middle of noplace. Word will spread that going to the airport doesn’t get you anything good.

  • Schemer is a politician’s politician. He once condemned illegal entry into this country in no uncertain terms, and fought for border barriers, but he now calls Trump a racist for doing the same thing. This is all a matter of record, and Chucky Schemer is an obvious opportunist that cannot be trusted. Like Hillary His “convictions” and “principles” change with the political weather.

  • Hey folks, take it easy — these homeless and illegal dudes are keeping the democrat’s ‘super majority’ intact. You REALLY don’t expect them to do anything to change that — do you ????

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