Irony: Gender Confused Youth Enraged That No One Knows What They Are.

It’s amazing what people get upset over these days. Over in the U.K., they have reached a new level of problems as they have, it seems, fully embraced the ludicrous social gender constructs. So people are walking around demanding to be treated special because they feel society should accept their pronouns and social genders. A non-binary person posted to Twitter about the struggle it has getting a haircut because the barber or stylist asks them to identify if they are male or female. I wonder how this person gets out of bed every day.

The unnamed person — who appears courtesy of BBC Scotland — complains that “I’m more of that ‘other’ (if that’s even an option) like I’m something on the outside existing beside the world as it rolls by all pink and blue.”

The individual also shares that usually there are two options when it comes to a haircut: There’s a salon, which oozes “that womanly world of perfumed femininity with which I feel like I have little affinity.” Then there’s the barber shop, “which isn’t much better since this voice and these swells in my chest make me feel like an infiltrator.”

The speaker adds that those providing haircuts often ask, “Are you a boy or a girl?” and “Am I trans, am I gay, and I don’t know what to say. Sometimes I pick my labels to make other people feel OK, but it’s never enough to say where I’d like to be trimmed or shaved … they need to know my sex.”

Watch The Clip Below.

These poor Barbers and Hair Stylists have to deal with this nonsense. There is a different pay scale for men and women in most places and really it helps the stylist figure out just how to cut it. Are they looking for a male or female haircut? Why is this so hard for this person to understand? This whole non-binary identity is ridiculous, it doesn’t happen in nature. Maybe the stylists need to get more specific and ask about biological gender… would that be more welcome? This person has clearly created their own problem, with their imaginary gender.

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  • Let’s just say if you are confused about your sexual identity, how can you expect someone who has never met you before clear up the confusion? When is a business going to be allowed to “conform” to it’s primary customer base?

  • He/She/It is very well spoken and I almost feel some sympathy. Problem with that is I was often accosted by Fags growing up and can not seem to find it in my heart to be sympathetic to them. As for the answer to his question about barbers and such; find one who will work with your weirdness and then stick with him/her! No more questions about gender. They will start out knowing you are a frigging weirdo and cut your hair the way you want it. Money talks, bullshit walks!

  • Just pick one. It is not the hairdresser’s problem, it is yours and your responsibility to choose a style, take a picture of what you want, or maybe wind up with a shaved head. You are not as important as you think and need to think about something important, like where your soul will wind up.

  • Easy solution. Look between your legs. If you have a penis you are a boy, if you have a vagina you are a girl. If you still can’t figure out what sex you are then stop attending public school, go buy a biology book from the 50’s and look up what determines your sex. “hint, hint, it ain’t feelings”.

  • Hey bozo. Drop your drawers. If you have a penis, you’re a boy. If not, you’re a girl. It’s as simple as that. . . . .

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