Ilhan Omar’s District Votes To Eliminates Pledge of Allegiance

One of the cities in Representative Ilhan Omar’s Congressional District voted this month to eliminate the reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance during city council meetings because it doesn’t want to offend people.

How in the United States of America is the Pledge of Allegiance offensive to anyone?

CBS Minnesota reports that members of the St. Louis Park City Council voted unanimously in a 5 to 0 vote to ditch saying the Pledge of Allegiance “in order to create a more welcoming environment to a diverse community.”

Who is this supposed to be offensive to exactly?

According to The Daily Wire,

City Council member Anne Mavity sponsored the change, saying that the Pledge of Allegiance did not reflect the city’s values, according to KARE 11.

“Not everyone who does business with the city or has a conversation is a citizen,” Mavity said. “They certainly don’t need to come into city council chambers and pledge their allegiance to our country in order to tell us what their input is about a sidewalk in front of their home.”

City Council member Tim Brausen said: “I hope it’s not too controversial. Our community tends to be a very welcoming and increasingly diverse community, and we believe our citizens will understand.”

Not a single person on the council had the brains or courage to stand up against this. It passed without any hesitation at all.

“We’ve had some racial equity initiatives going on in the city of St. Louis Park for awhile where we’re trying to get more diverse communities and historically less engaged communities to come and participate in our public process,” one city council member told the Star Tribune. “Given the current Washington politics that are going on now, there’s a lot of people that are afraid of our government, and we worry about that.”

“Not everyone who does business with the city or has a conversation is a citizen,” said Anne Mavity, another council member according to KARE 11. “They certainly don’t need to come into city council chambers and pledge their allegiance to our country in order to tell us what their input is about a sidewalk in front of their home.”

Even if the people who do business with the city aren’t citizens of this country…they do know that we are and can reasonably expect citizens of this country to say the Pledge of Allegiance. If they aren’t citizens and want to not recite it, that’s fine, but don’t ruin it for everyone and show how unpatriotic you are.

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