House of Reps Unanimously Take Action Against Ilhan Omar 424-0 In Rare Vote

In a rare move, a vote was taken to thwart hateful, racist, and anti-Semitic comments made by known Muslim House Representative and anti-Semite, Ilhan Omar.

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This should be a huge warning sign if you have to institute legislature in order to silence a Muslim from speaking their

According to the Washington Examiner,

The House on Wednesday unanimously passed a broad condemnation of anti-Semitism days after Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., received widespread criticism over her comments on Israel.

The language, which does not mention Omar by name, was approved 424-0 using a legislature procedure that lets the minority party make a last-minute motion to change legislation just before it’s passed. The procedure almost never works for the minority party, in part because the minority usually tries to make radical changes to the bill that the majority quickly rejects.

The language was tacked onto another resolution involving removing U.S. troops from assisting a Saudi coalition fighting in Yemen.

Republican Representative David Kustoff of Tennessee, who was a sponsor of the language, said in front of the House:

“This is the final amendment to the bill. It would not kill the bill, nor send it back to committee if adopted; the resolution will immediately proceed to final passage as amended. Mr. Speaker, the attack in October last year against the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh was a devastating assault on the Jewish community … the gunman sent a bone-chilling message, even in 2018: hate-filled individuals will attack Jews simply for being Jewish. The Anti-Defamation League believes that this is the deadliest attack on the Jewish community in the history of the United States of America. This tragedy is merely one part of an upsetting development that has emerged in recent years: a resurgence of anti-Semitism around the globe.

The Anti-Defamation League reported a 60% rise in anti-Semitic incidences in the United States from 2016 to 2017. In December, the European Union released a survey of over 16,000 European Jews which reported that anti-Semitism pervades everyday life, undermining European Jews’ feeling of safety and security. Mr. Speaker, we should all be alarmed by this international trend. No one should be forced to live in fear of violence or be deterred from participating in their faith community. The United States must remain a global leader, not only in speaking out against anti-Semitism but in holding those who enable those vile beliefs accountable.

Our motion to recommit adds language to H.J. Res 37 that affirms that it is in the national security interest of the United States to combat anti-Semitism around the world. It states that we must make combating anti-Semitism a priority in all of our diplomatic relationships, and we need to ensure that Jews around the world feel safe in their communities. Mr. Speaker, I remain deeply concerned by the measure the Democrats have called up today on Yemen, but if this resolution is going to move forward, it should do so while making a strong statement that the United States has no tolerance for anti-Semitism. I urge all members to stand in solidarity with Jews around the world and support the motion to recommit.”

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