Former Transgender Nike Employee Sues For Millions Over Wrong Pronoun Use

It appears the Kaepernick backing shoe company, Nike, is in some legal trouble after they hired a trans computer programmer. The programmer Jazz Lyles refers to herself as transmasculine/nonbinary and prefers the pronouns them, they, and their. But according to her lawsuit, she claims no one at Nike would use her preferred pronouns, even after she repeatedly corrected them. Lyles further claims that this led to her being unable to work in the office with her co-workers and feels it prevented her from obtaining a full-time job with Nike. So a contract employee that gave Nike grief about wanting to be called plural pronouns is suing because she didn’t get the job… Nike brought this on itself when they backed Kaepernick…

Jazz Lyles, a former computer engineer at Nike’s Beaverton headquarters, has filed a civil rights lawsuit against the sportswear giant.

The lawsuit, filed this week in Multnomah County Circuit Court, alleges Nike and Mainz Brady, an IT staffing firm based in San Mateo, Calif., exposed Lyles to gender identity-based discrimination and harassment and retaliation. (Mainz Brady didn’t respond to a request for comment.)”

Lyles cycled through three assignments, becoming increasingly wounded by co-workers using the wrong pronouns. Eventually, they took medical leave and worked primarily from home before their contract ended last fall. In their lawsuit, Lyles says Nike managers failed to safeguard Lyles’ civil rights and blocked them from obtaining a full-time Nike job, as many contractors do.”

In an earlier response to Oregon’s Bureau of Labor and Industries through its law firm, Stoel Rives, Nike dismissed Lyles’ complaint, the outlet said.

“Lyles was a mediocre [contractor] with a limited skill set,” Stoel Rives wrote, according to Willamette Week, adding that a hiring freeze, not discrimination, was why Lyles failed to land a full-time job at Nike — and that “Lyles’ allegations are without merit.”

Many of her co-workers claim they did not know about her preferred pronouns. But still, this ridiculous. How is she going to prove that Nike discriminated against her when it comes to being hired? It was a contract job and it is up to the company whether they want to hire someone on. Usually, companies want someone who works well with others. Sounds like Lyles was overly sensitive about her pronoun demands. But seeing as this is Nike and they are trying to embrace all of that diversity, she may just get her million.


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  • Plural pronouns to identify an INDIVIDUAL just DO NOT work in the real world with real conversation. The syntax and grammar is incorrect and very difficult for most people to incorporate into their normal communications. Not to mention, having to have everyone else shuffle through differing pronouns for different people the may come in contact with during the day. Also, is this person going to have to spend the rest of their life explaining to each and every person the ever meet, what pronouns they wish to be referee by????? This crap is just stupid…..and so is SHE!

  • It’s an it by it’s own choice. That’s better than what it would be called in a free society instead of this snowflake PC oppressed whatever.

  • This is so truly laughable and Nike deserves every bit of loss and consequence. This person can only be one person, and ridiculously wants/demands that everyone call it by plural pronouns that would make the co-worker or associate look like a fool. Does it have the right to demand that others address it as what they can see without any doubt, is going against the will and rights of the associate? NO. NO. It would be necessary for “it” to be nude, so that others could see what “it” is. “It” could be called “you” which is both singular and plural. IT is not a special being and has no power over others. That being said, I hope Nike gets fried. LOL

  • This is utterly insane! Expecting everyone to deny reality so as to not hurt the “feeling”, or worse to be mind readers for that purpose, is literally psychotic, and inane! Humans are not mind readers, for all some fraudulently claim to be such. Nor are we intended to be. Reality being rejected/denied is the definition of psychosis. Neither is rational for a gov’t at any level to try to legislate. Re-read Hans Christian Anderson’s “The Emperor’s New Clothes”.

  • Just because she is trans binary, that should not give her any special privileges. She is a contract employee who should just be called her name. This trans bullshit is just that-bullshit. I am sick and tired of it. If you have a vagina you are a girl, if you have a penis you are a guy. If you have completely reassigned-gain a penis and cut your boobs off I guess you would be a guy. If you cut your penis off and get boobs I guess you can be a girl. All the other is just bullshit to gain 15 minutes of fame.

    • Nope you would just be a sexually mutilated individual with mental problems. Your sex is determined by every cell in your body. This poor person is headed for heart break when IT realizes the world will not rearrange itself to IT”S satisfaction.

  • They should call her it. Screw it and the goofy lawsuit. But it would be good if Nike lost money because it is a crappy company .

  • Are you kidding me with this. People will sue for anything these days. Total bullshit, if I was Nike I would counter sue for this person not getting along with others and bullying them into using only words she likes. Screw that

  • A mentally ill woman who was given a job gets upset that people referred to her correctly according to her actual gender. Humans come in male and female. And the word “they” refers to multiple individuals or things, not a single things. Therefore she is not a “they”, even if she has multiple personalities. She created this issue by pretending she was something she was not, and not dealing with her mental issues. Hopefully, the judge will throw this case out with “prejudice” (legally term).

  • More of the satan led liberal move against God and our nation. These fools might make some money and get their way in the courts but she and her ilk won’t find Almighty God siding with her on judgment day. Heaven is real and hell is hot, and forever!!!!! I noticed the person who wrote this item is afraid to stand against her garbage. Until people stand up against this garbage it will just continue to fester.

    • Do YOU know how to have everlasting-life? From the way you speak, my guess is *NO*.. you really don’t. As, if you did, you would not be insinuating that, God judges from the outside.. like you. He judges the heart. He judges the righteousness of an individual or the lack thereof. The ONLY way to have everlasting-life in Heaven for eternity with God is to have the *imputed righteousness of Jesus Christ*.. so, do you know how one have the righteousness of Christ? By believing in Him alone and what He has done for us on Calvarys Cross. Placing our belief, faith, hope and trust in Christ alone as Savior. There is a chance this person is saved. YOU don’t know. How many people have YOU hated during your life? The Word of God tells us not to hate anyone.. and if we do, we are a murderer in our heart. Have you ever taken something that did not belong to you? If so.. you’re a thief. Have you ever lied? You’re a liar. There are many sins to choose from. Ask yourself how many are you guilty of committing? Self-righteous hypocrisy is a sin. Pride is a sin. Judging others is a sin. The only sin that sends a person to eternal-damnation in Hell is that of *not believing in Jesus Christ alone, as Savior.* There is no place in the Word of God that tells us to stop sinning to be saved.. nor to remain saved. Salvation is a promise of God for those of whom believe in Christ alone as Savior. Its how we have the righteousness of Jesus Christ. If Salvation hinged upon how we live and act.. we would ALL be going to Hell. Born-again believers go to Heaven on Christs works.. and on Christs merit. Not those of our own.

  • “Them”.. “they” AND “their”…. are plural, not singular. Maybe she could gain about 400 lbs and it may make sense? There are only TWO genders. I have no issue with people getting a “sex-change”.. but, there are only two to choose from. The one you’re born with and the other one. This individual is confused. And most likely, be laughed out of court. People like this make a total mockery of those of whom really do suffer with gender-dysphoria. The whole “Transgender” trend has gotten way out of hand.


  • Way to this shit. If you have a dick, your a man. If you have a fish basket, your a woman. Wager says that on your birth certificate. It doesn’t say I want to be a parking meter or a butterfly. Males compete against their own and same with women. What the hell is hard about this?

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