BOOM! Huge Win For Journalist Who Exposed Planned Parenthood

Journalist Daniel Daleiden was awarded a huge win Friday after a California judge dropped 5 felony charges being brought again him for his undercover journalism where he exposed Planned Parenthood.

Daleiden and a number of other journalists with the Center for Medical Progress have been charged with 14 felony counts of illegal taping of confidential information and one count of conspiracy. In their recordings though, they were able to expose how horrific Planned Parenthood really is in their sells of human tissue to StemExpress.

According to The Daily Wire,

On Friday, a San Francisco Superior Court judge dropped five of the standing 14 felony charges against undercover journalist David Daleiden in the so-called “Baby Body Parts” case that exposed unsavory and potentially illegal practices by abortion giant Planned Parenthood.

“Today, Thomas More Society attorneys secured the dismissal of five more felony counts, six in total, at the conclusion of the Preliminary Hearing in the California criminal case against undercover journalist David Daleiden,” the Thomas More Society, a nonprofit law firm representing Daleiden, said in a press release sent to The Daily Wire.

“Superior Court Judge Christopher Hite issued his final probable cause order today, leaving nine out of an original fifteen felony counts, to proceed to trial,” the press release explained.

Since the release of the videos they have been views millions of times and it is still astonishing to me that with all that they have admitted to doing on camera that Planned Parenthood is still operational.

On the bright side, more and more of these death centers have been getting shut down and funding has even been cut to Planned Parenthood under Title X. However, they are working to do all they can to continue to find funding, especially through the government since that is where almost all of their money comes from.

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  • Only the sick state of liberal California would have ever charged this guy with crimes. Planned Parenthood is a miserable example of liberal depravity and they should be the ones on trial there!

  • I think these people should be shot fo what they are doing to babies – I am upset for the fact that a baby is born and they kill it that is murder, in fact if a women on the street would smother her baby when it is born would be charged for m urder whats the difference

  • Shut the murderous lying profiting Planned Non-Parenthood down. How many more abortions and sale of baby parts will the PNP abortionist have to do to buy herself a Maserati?

  • Abolish Abortion Now

    When it comes to the evil of abortion, I am an abolitionist. To kill or not to kill, this is the question. We are a society reeking with the stench of the blood of 25,000,000 children. There is no excuse. To be neutral is to be complicit. Human sexuality is not a sport.

    We are guilty of treating a divinely instituted beautiful and procreative act as simplistic recreation, cheap self-gratification, without potential implications; resultant human lives are then swept off of the “playing field” as so much post-game garbage. Post-abortive mothers’ physical and emotional complications and concerns are then simply ignored or denied. We must always remember that every abortion has at least two victims. And that every abortion stops a beating human heart.
    ~~ No Sunshine Patriot

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