Facebook is stepping up their game to try and prevent Donald Trump from winning reelection. They are quite literally meddling in the election process by using their influence and reach to censor the internet and prevent people with opposing views from sharing anything from a conservative viewpoint.
The social network giant just removed one of the largest (if not the largest) pro-Trump Facebook fan pages.
They cited that it was because, “It looks like recent activity on your Page doesn’t follow the Facebook Page Policies regarding impersonation and pretending to be an individual or business.”
According to their Instagram Page,
“Donald Trump Us Our President” With 3,276,000 Fans, Which We Paid FB Around $100,000 To Build, Using ‘Page Like Ads’ Was Removed Yesterday. Please Help Me Spread The Word So We Can Help Facebook Know And Fix, What I Am Sure Is A Honest Mistake.
I Have Made My Identity Perfectly Clear, I Am, In No Way Associated With President Donald J. Trump, Nor Have I Ever Claimed To Be. This Was/Is A Fan Page, We Make That Abundantly Clear In Many Places On The Page.
On Top Of That Facebook Approved The Name Change Back In 2016 …. So Why Now, All Of A Sudden Has My Life’s Work Been ‘Unpublished.’ I’m Sure This Is A Mistake, But Please Help Me Alert FB So We Can Get This Cleared Up, Thank You! – Mark Sidney
In what way does the title, “Donald Trump Is Our President” violate these terms? How does simply saying that suggest that he/she/it/they are Donald Trump?
It doesn’t and it’s ridiculous.
Guess what liberals? You deleting this Trump fan page will NOT stop us from voting for him. In fat, that just makes us mader and more determined to re-elect him. You are a bunch of COWARDS…. You only way you can win an election is to rig it….No this time folks….
Facebook Fascists
Liberal Facebook strikes again!!!
A liberal trifecta: silence opposing views, election fraud via tampering and doing away with free speech.
Here’s an IDEA. Let’s all of US TRUMPSTERS FLOOD MARK ZUCKERBERGS email at [email protected] with reminders of what he did and send enough emails to bring down face book workings with volumes of emails!
If this happened to the girlie boy muslim president, he would have used every agency at his disposal. This man is always digging into our personal business and I believe to this day. Apparently these huge companies make vast amounts of money under the corrupt democrats rather than Trump who is trying to drain the swamp.
National News | October 18, 2019, 7:45 AM Check the dates of the source of this article. Do your due diligence and fact-finding before giving a knee-jerk reaction..
Face book sucks, just like Zucker.
Time to develop a conservative site to compete with and exceed FB’s popularity. FB has been bought and is now controlled by the liberal left. Because of the large volume of users, it is easy to censor messages that don’t fit into their political and social plans. Maybe it’s time to censor FB and relegate them into oblivion.
Parler is the best…you can say anything. No censorship and no snowflakes.
You could call it “Ass Lickers of Tweety O’Bese.”
Time for a lawsuit
I started this simple site because I was told by a liberal School District Superintendent that closed the only Elementary School in our area down and bus the kids over 6 miles away where there was already two schools in the same area.
But I have made a sort of a private conservative site that nothing is censored.
ourcommunitychat.com or an easier way to get there is oc-chat.com
Bye assholes…😂
someone needs to come up w/ a FACEBOOK. Replacement and be a Conservative page..screw the LIBTARDS in SIlicone Valley…lil spoiled piggs…pull their Plug
Yes, I agree with this idea. Provide an equal alternative to the MSM.
That’s it I think I’m going to get rid of FB> THey have been unfair for a long time. It’s time we stop using the forum
Facebook are now canceling accounts with coronavirus in the words
this is total bullshit – everyone must let fb know this is unacceptable and we DEMAND to have the fan page reinstateed!!
I think you mean “Donald Trump Is Our President,” not “Donald Trump Us Our President. Could that have been the problem–the typo in “Us” instead of “Is”?? I know it seems picky, but I’m just wondering if that was the glitch.