Facebook Caught Red Handed, They Can No Longer Deny Any Political Bias

Facebook has long denied that it has any sort of political bias when it comes the what they allow or not allow on their platform.

If you’re a conservative then you know that this is complete garbage. Facebook has a long history of discriminating against some groups of people and not others.

Finally, an experiment was conducted to determine if there really was a bias within the Facebook platform.

According to Godfather Politics,

Israeli non-profit organization Shurat HaDin (Israel Law Center) is leading a class-action lawsuit against Facebook because it contends the site supports terrorism by refusing to remove anti-Israel hate sites per its community standards. Over 20,000 people have joined the suit.  To prove its point, The Israel Law Center conducted a sting operation ex on Facebook to prove the social media site makes extremely biased decisions regarding the hate material it allows and the hate material it removes.

The experiment consisted of the Israel Law Center opening two separate hate sites on Facebook, one that was very anti-Jewish and one that was very anti-Palestinian. Both of the pages were put up at the same time and contained the same hate and language. The only thing that was different was the target, one being Jews and one being Palestinians.

Godfather Politics continues,

After a few posts, they increased the hatred and antagonism of the posts using phrases such as “blood and fire to demolish the Zionist invaders” on one and “soldiers in the Israeli army knows there is a need to destroy the Arab enemy.” After a few days, the posts on the anti-Jewish site called for death to Jews and, on the anti-Palestinian page, the death of Arabs.

The results:

Both pages were reported on the same day and on that very same day, one page was shut down and the other remained open. Can you guess which one was shutdown?

It was the anti-Palestinian page.

Facebook responded to the “person” who filed the complaint that the anti-Palestinian page,  “We reviewed the page you reported for containing credible threat of violence and found it violates our Community Standards.” 

On the other hand, the page containing the anti-Jewish hatred that was identical was left alone and Facebook responded by saying that the page did NOT violate their Community Standards.

This video shows how the whole experiment went down.


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