DOJ Releases Report Revealing Arrests of Non-Citizens, The Numbers Will Blow You Away

A new report released by the Department of Justice shows just how much crime non-U.S. citizens actually commit in America.

According to the report, 64% of all federal arrests were non-American citizens. Compare that to 20 years ago when the number was almost completely reversed and 63% of all federal arrests were U.S. citizens.

The report also says, “Non-U.S. citizens, who make up 7% of the U.S. population (per the U.S. Census Bureau for 2017), accounted for 15% of all federal arrests and 15% of prosecutions in U.S. district court for non-immigration crimes in 2018 … Ninety-five percent of the increase in federal arrests across 20 years was due to immigration offenses.”

“Federal arrests of non-U.S. citizens more than tripled from 1998 to 2018 (rising 234%), while federal arrests of U.S. citizens rose 10% over the same period. Federal arrests of non-U.S. citizens increased from 73,022 in 2017 to 125,027 in 2018, a 1-year increase of over 50,000. In 2018, non-U.S. citizens accounted for 24% of all federal drug arrests and 25% of all federal property arrests, including 28% of all federal fraud arrests.”

According to NBC News, “Prosecutions for violating immigration laws have flooded the nation’s federal courts, especially in border states. Nationwide, arrests of noncitizens for immigration offenses rose 440 percent in the two decades from 1998 to 2018 — from 19,556 a year to 105,748. By contrast, the number of noncitizens arrested for other crimes rose about 8 percent.”

This, my friends, is why we need a wall. We have criminals pouring into the country violating our laws, yet the left keeps pushing to let them come on in and continue to destroy our way of life.

We have the ability to dramatically reduce gang violence, homelessness, homicide, drugs, and so many other bad things going on in our country instead of wasting all of the money that we spend on the current border crisis, but Democrats would rather take care of criminals and give them a free ride.

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