CNN Commentator Makes Shocking Claim About Hillary Supporters

It looks like even the MSM is now against Hillary Clinton, (took them long enough) as a CNN commentator came after a Hillary supporter claiming they are worse than the KKK. Jones was referring to the recent interaction between a white woman in Central Park showing off her bigotry after being told to leash her dog.

CNN’s Van Jones argued Friday during an analysis on racial tensions that a “white, liberal Hillary Clinton supporter walking her dog in Central Park” can pose a more insidious threat to African Americans than openly racist groups such as the Ku Klux Klan.

Jones was referring to Amy Cooper, a white woman who called the police on a black man in New York’s Central Park on Monday after he asked that she put her dog on a leash.

Film of the exchange and subsequent call to police went viral, with Cooper repeatedly referring to the man’s race while falsely saying she was being threatened.”

It’s not the racist white person who is in the Ku Klux Klan that we have to worry about,” Jones said. “It’s the white, liberal Hillary Clinton supporter walking her dog in Central Park who would tell you right now, ‘Oh I don’t see race, race is no big deal to me, I see all people the same, I give to charities,’ but the minute she sees a black man who she does not respect, or who she has a slight thought against, she weaponized race like she had been trained by the Aryan Nation.

“A klansmember could not have been better trained to pick up her phone and tell the police it’s a black man,” Jones said.”

Watch The Clip Below.

You have to watch out for some of those Hillary supporters they want to do more than violate your rights, they want to mess up our whole country based on their previous decisions at the ballot box. Jones is right this lady was clearly out of line. But many liberals that claim to be for equality, are closet racists.

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  • Neither she nor her husband have influence anymore. She has outlived her usefulness. So she becomes fodder for the bus. Because the liberal bus is voracious and must be constantly fed.

  • Rascism was just a southern democrat, now it has spread to seems all democrats, keep the blacks down, keep em on welfare, don’t let them work, the big plantation of federal gov’t. Just try getting ahead if you deal with them.

  • Soros and his minions the NAZI Commie liberal party, Fake news, Antifa, CIA, FBI, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, The useful idiots, RINOs etc…are responsible for this rioting and destruction throughout the country. This treasonous act should not go unpunished! It’s about time these deep State rats are held accountable! Patriots, we need to save the country from turning into another Commie shit hole just like all the other lib run cities!!

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