Michigan Sheriff Brings Peace To What Could Have Been A Violent Protest

There is civil unrest in many States across our nation due to the death of George Floyd. Some protests have become violent and there has even been looting as well as clashes with the police. But in Flint, Michigan it appears Law Enforcement took a different route that has led to a peaceful demonstration that is better for everyone.

Genesee County Sheriff Chris Swanson, who is white, walked with protesters, talking with them about the George Floyd situation and asking residents how law enforcement can work better with them.

At one point, he gave an impromptu speech, a video of which has gone viral.

“We want to be with you all, for real,” Swanson said. “So, I took my helmet off, we laid the batons down. I want to make this a parade, not a protest,” he said, prompting cheers.

“These cops love you. That cop over there,” Swanson said, pointing to a deputy, “hugs people. So, you tell us what we need to do.”

The crowd began chanting “Walk with us! Walk with us,” and Swanson said, “let’s walk!”

Watch The Clip Below.

Swanson and other Flint-area police officers ultimately joined the march, which continued back past the Genesee Valley Mall onto Miller Road to the Target parking lot.

“This is the way it’s supposed to be — the police working with the community,” Swanson said. “When we see injustice, we call it out on the police side and on the community side. All we had to do was talk to them, and now we’re walking with them. … The cops in this community, we condemn what happened. That guy (Chauvin) is not one of us.”

This is a far better outcome. As Americans we are known for our protests, just look at the Boston Tea Party. This protest in Michigan was more peaceful than that as no property was damaged. This really goes to the credit of the officers that stepped up and de-escalated this protest.

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  • Sounds wonderful – but WAIT. The protesters fee victorious achievement having recruited law enforcement “symbols” to their “side”. Someone is gonna “test” those law officials by doing something to obviously break the law. Now what? Do those law officials say, “O, well. It was just one small thing that wasn’t so bad.” That response signals nothing will be done because those officials approve lawless behavior and it will be the catalyst for general destruction , assault, and looting.

    IF, on the other hand, those law officials take appropriate action on that “someone” who is “testing” them, the rest of the bunch will claim “We thought you were with us. You have betrayed us.” and THAT will be the catalyst for general chaos.

    By removing helmets, laying down batons, asking what law enforcement officials could do to support the protesters, and DOING what the crowd demanded, that sheriff (as we used to say at TDCJ) put the inmates in charge of the jail.

  • Soros and his minions the NAZI Commie liberal party, Fake news, Antifa, CIA, FBI, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, The useful idiots, RINOs etc…are responsible for this rioting and destruction throughout the country. This treasonous act should not go unpunished! It’s about time these deep State rats are held accountable! Patriots, we need to save the country from turning into another Commie shit hole just like all the other lib run cities!!

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