CNN Analyst Admits He Made Up Pro-Impeachment Propaganda

The Impeachment trial is still only a few days in and some Dems are already trying to create a narrative that better fits their anti-Trump views. CNN Analyst Joe Lockhart tried to give his fellow Trump-haters hope and tweeted about overhearing two GOP Senators that were supposedly swayed by the House Managers. His tweet has received over 10k shares and been liked over 40k times. But Lockhart maybe ten minutes later realized that his story would never hold water and recanted. But for some reason, his followers are not interested in spreading that truth…

Lockhart’s Tweets

Overheard convo between two Republican Senators who only watch Fox News. “is this stuff real? I haven’t heard any of this before. I thought it was all about a server. If half the stuff Schiff is saying is true, we’re up shit’s creek. Hope the White House has exculpatory evidence.”

The less popular tweet where he admits it was B.S.

“Ok maybe I made up the convo, but you know that’s exactly what they’re thinking.”

There was, of course, an outcry as a CNN Analyst was blatantly misleading the public and the best response probably came from Turning Point USA’s Charlie Kirk.

“Hey, @CNN—will there be any consequences for your Political Analyst sharing fake news on Twitter?

Or will he continue to be allowed on air just like the rest of the Never-Trump liars you give a platform to?”

Lockhart did not appreciate being put in his place so he responded to his many critics claiming this was all satire and no big deal.

“Everyone relax. This is satire. Satire to make the point that Senators that are deciding the President’s fate who only watch Fox News have never heard this stuff before. Because Fox is part of the coverup.”

But Lockhart was clearly offended that people took him seriously, I guess he thought they knew better since he works at CNN. So he tweeted again clearly hurt by the criticism.

“Seems like I poked the bear today. The purveyors of Pizzagate and the Seth Rich conspiracy are lecturing me on honesty. I told a joke, you guys are a destructive joke that is killing our democracy. Other than that, hope you’re enjoying the trial and have a nice evening.”

And CNN wonders why people don’t take them seriously…

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  • “CNN political analyst and former Comms for the Clinton White House, Joe Lockhart tweeted out an “overheard convo” between Republican Senators who were supposedly panicking because of what Schiff said during his impeachment tirade.”
    “Ok maybe I made up the convo, but you know that’s exactly what they’re thinking.” Lockhart tweeted.

    “CNN said Monday that three journalists, including the executive editor in charge of a new investigative unit, have resigned after the publication of a Russia-related article that was retracted,” reported CNN’s Brian Stelter. “Thomas Frank, who wrote the story in question; Eric Lichtblau, an editor in the unit; and Lex Haris, who oversaw the unit, have all left CNN.”

    “Kathy Griffin, host of CNN New Year’s Eve special lost her contract after she published a photograph in which she appeared to be holding a likeness of the President’s severed head.”

    “CNN severed ties with host Reza Aslan after he tweeted a series of vulgar posts about Mr. Trump. And another story that inaccurately predicted the congressional testimony of James B. Comey was retracted.”

    “Semi-automatic weapons-CNN apologized for a May 15, 2003, story in which CNN’s John Zarella and Broward County, Florida Sheriff Ken Jenne demonstrated the rapid firing of fully automatic firearms while covering the federal Assault Weapons Ban, due to expire the following year. The Assault Weapons Ban was concerned solely with semi-automatic firearms, not fully automatic ones, which had already been restricted by the National Firearms Act of 1934, and the subsequent 1986 Firearm Owners Protection Act.[10][11]”

    “On April 3, 2016, hundreds of supporters of Bernie Sanders protested outside of CNN Los Angeles. Sanders supporters were protesting CNN’s coverage of the 2016 United States presidential elections, specifically in regards to the lack of airtime Sanders has received. Known as Occupy CNN, protesters claimed that major media networks have intentionally blacked out Sanders’ presidential campaign in favor of giving much more airtime to candidates such as Hillary Clinton.[12]”

    “In a disastrous interview this week, CNN analyst Areva Martin accused Sirius XM and Fox Nation host David Webb of benefiting from “white privilege,” but she failed to realize that he’s black.”

    “CNN’s Brian Stelter recently said, “We don’t see CNN or the New York Times rooting for any president, whether a Democrat or Republican.”…..In October 2016, the head of the DNC and former CNN contributor Donna Brazile was caught giving Hillary Clinton debate questions she received from the network.”

    “Another example of direct support for Hillary Clinton from the globalist media network can be seen in a clip where CNN anchor Chris Cuomo says, “we couldn’t help her any more than we have.”

    “CNN once put a glowing gold filter over a video of Hillary Clinton to portray her as a glowing angel of light.”

    “The network claimed Hillary Clinton won a presidential debate, but they were called out for using a weighted survey that sampled 41 percent Democrats compared to 26 percent Republicans.”

    “CNN blatantly cut off a reporter who dared to point out how hypocritical it is for Hillary Clinton to pretend to care about the black community after her and her husband helped shape the laws that put so many minorities in prison.

    “CNN anchors Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon fraudulently made their case that the onus for the viral confrontation between the Covington Catholic high school students, the Black Hebrew Iraelites and Native American elder Nathan Phillips was completely on the students.”

  • Typical, even after he recants, he says that’s PROBABLY what they’re thinking. No we’re not, we are thinking what a waste of time this SHAM is….unfortunately 90% of the A$$holes (and yes Joe, that includes you) in the media don’t like President Trump or anyone in flyover country. People like you would rather have the Dems back in power and our Great (again) country in shambles. You’d have us go back to the sickly growth numbers during the O”bummer years….and OH! how many Blacks, Latinos, Asians or did the great divider put to work? He COULD have been such a force for good in this country but he fell short of even being a good force for black people. Joe, you need to work on your common sense and stay away from the Kool Aid Pitcher. Name me one jurisdiction which has thrived under Democrat Leadership(?)….California’s largest cities are a disgrace and New York isn’t any better`It’s sad how lousy they are at leadership……but they DO have sympathy for all your poor ILLEGAL immigrants!

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