Clint Eastwood 2020 Pick: It Looks Like “The Good” Has Turned Ugly

Actor-Director Clint Eastwood is known for his spaghetti westerns, like “The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly,” and “For A Few Dollars More.” He has also directed newer movies like Million Dollar Baby and Gran Torino. But outside of Hollywood Eastwood seemed to be a staunch Republican supporter as he supported Romney verse Obama, and Trump in the past election. But it appears his allegiances have changed and turned ugly, as he is now in support of Democrat, Michael Bloomberg.

The best thing we could do is just get Mike Bloomberg in there,” the Hollywood conservative said of the former New York mayor, according to the Journal.
Eastwood told the newspaper that he approves of “certain things” that Trump has done as President, without going into further detail.
He said, however, that he wishes Trump would behave “in a more genteel way, without tweeting and calling people names,” the Journal reported.
“I would personally like for him to not bring himself to that level,” he told the paper.
According to the Journal, Eastwood, who described himself as a libertarian, lamented that domestic politics has become “ornery.”

Eastwood’s comments about Trump come years after the actor caused a social media frenzy for his infamous empty-chair speech at the 2012 Republican National Convention, where he put on an uproarious mock interview with a chair as a stand-in for Barack Obama.Then, ahead of the 2016 election, Eastwood told Esquire it was Trump over Hillary Clinton in his eyes, admitting it was his anti-Obama views that influenced his decision.

“I’d have to go for Trump … you know, ’cause she’s declared that she’s gonna follow in Obama’s footsteps. There’s been just too much funny business on both sides of the aisle. She’s made a lot of dough out of being a politician. I gave up dough to be a politician. I’m sure that Ronald Reagan gave up dough to be a politician.”

“The Mule” actor also touched on the #MeToo movement to WSJ, sharing that sexual predatory behavior has been “very prolific” in the film industry, dating back to the 1940s.

The actor and director shared his appreciation for women who are “standing up against people who are trying to shake you down for sexual favors.”

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    • No, he is just a nicer guy than Trump, and he expects him to follow the old rules, but these “Progressives” are a different breed of rude, immoral, lying, cheating, anything to win, bunch of swamp bottom dwellers who make their own rules and have no self awareness of what this stuff is doing to the rest of us. Trump understands this crowd and saw what they did to Justice Thomas, George Bush, and so many more. He shoves it back in their faces and the media has to make stuff up to make the Democrites look good and “The Donald” look bad! And even with all that …..they’re still going to lose come November! KEEP AMERICA GREAT!

  • Bloomy is a tyrant. He would impose whatever hair-brained idea he comes up with like restrictions on sizes of soft drinks or any other thing.

    • “would impose”?? He already has – in Noo Yawk City – and he would do the same things nationwide as he did there. Like he did with the large soda ban – makes me think the has a financial interest in selling more small containers – after all, one of the largest costs per unit is the container the serving is ‘packaged’ in – be it sodas, food, or even cigarettes……………..

  • Wow, senility creeps in on all of us I guess lol. Clint just “destroyed “,,,, my belief that there are still some real,,, people in whorelywood . 🙁
    So much for an American icon . 1 of the last ones too UNFORTUNATELY .

  • We don’t need genteel actor director Clint Eastwood as our president, we need Dirty Harry, and we’ve got Dirty Harry.

    • Let’s at least TRY to be civil with one of heroes. We don’t have many left…..besides I think it may be a personal thing between Clint and the Donald

  • Is it senility or just plain EVIL? Always follow the $$$, it tells the story. Clint has more of a love for $$$ than he does for people. He thought Hollywood and fame helped him. Who will want to remember someone who thinks $$$ is more important than people. And you know Killary is gonna switch places illegally with Bloomburg, and ya’ll are gonna lose to Bernie anyway,LOLOLOL. Clint Eastwood, YOU ARE A TRAITOR to our nation and you support people who lie, cheat, steal, kill, commit Treason (in other words, felons) against us, ‘we the people’. Clint Eastwood committed his life to being a POS… great legacy Clint, I’ll remember you every time I flush…

  • Clint Eastwood probably was given several hundred million dollars by Bloomberg which is nothing with respect to his fortune that way Eastwood can easily finance his next movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • More fake news? I’ve read an article that Clint Eastwood has sent a msg via twitter denying this & stated he supports President Trump all the way. PRAVDA MSM knows no bounds!

  • I agree somewhat Clint…..but pretend you’re the President and many prominent Democrites said they were going to impeach you before you even put your hand on the Bible? Talk about starting off with a bad taste in your mouth…..I know that your reaction would be different than the Donald, but that’s why he’s “The Donald”. He’s behaving (most of the time) just as I thought he would. Yes sometimes I wish he would tone it down, but then I look at the things these people on the left are saying about him (And His FAMILY and associates [Gen. Kelly??]) and I feel that he is justified by treating them exactly as they are treating him. I applaud seeing these “my way or the highway” Dems humiliated and laughed at….and they aren’t even aware that we’re laughing ….’cause they come back tomorrow trying a new (but still the same) attack on him. It’s apparently the price of draining the swamp….the swamp doesn’t want to be drained, and you can tell exactly who the lowest of the bottom feeders are by the volume of their accusations. Hang in there Clint Bloomberg isn’t your guy and you know I’m right, deep down in your heart. LYM

    • When Donald J. Trump announced his candidacy for the Office of the United State President; I was absolutely thrilled! I immediately wrote to him and prayed to God the American people would see the light and vote for him. I told him not to take crap from anyone, particularly, the Democrats whom I have identified as the new “Democratic Communist Party” (DCP) in America with nothing to offer except their lust for absolute power over the United States and the total misery of enslavement of the American people. Please read George Orwell’s novel of “1984” and learn the dreams of the “Democratic Communist Party” (DCP) for America.

      By the way; I sent U.S. President Donald J. Trump a courtesy copy of the Democrat’s “Communist Rule for Revolution” playbook so that he may be knowledgeable of the Democrat’s tyranny. I am pleased to report that the President took my advise not to allow voting by way of “mail.” At my request, voting will be “IN PERSON” with the voter’s personal photo on his /her voting card. I have known the Democrats to be masters of voter registration fraud since the 1920s, and their power to raise the dead so they may vote in the Democrats’ favor.

      USAF (RET)

  • Tweeting is how he bypasses the fake news that warp and twist his words. If Eastwood wants “more genteel speech” then he should tell Democrats to stop calling us racist Nazis. So long as they smear and slander us I am fine with any goofy name Trump attaches to them.

  • Bloomfuck is history. Now he only has a communist, and an idiot to to choose from, if he wants to vote DemonRAT.
    Funny, I never saw Eastwood as a communist.


  • So now the solution is to jump from the frying pan into the communist fire?? Clint, you hae a problem.

  • I guess it’s time the country, no the world, needs to know why Trump says & does the things he does that look out of line. Obama and his Administration have committed treason against President Trump in order to cover up for treason they committed against America repeatedly. Hillary needed to win so it would be hidden. Dear God if you only knew what they have been doing to him from day one, I would hope you would be on the side of Justice! There!s a dark powerful evil agenda against us that Trump is trying to protect us against. Obama/ Communist Jarrett & billionaire Democrat Financier George Soros are all with them and cracking the whip hard over all Democrats in Office. Note: Pelosi & Schumer particularly hard!

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