BREAKING: Whistle-Blower Worked For A Current 2020 Democrat Presidential Candidate

I think we were all astonished when CNN actually reported that the “whistleblower” was actually a Democrat.

It wasn’t that fact that he was a Democrat was surprising, it was the fact that CNN actually reported something like that. Maybe at the time, they thought the whistleblower was credible so they wanted to boast of the Democratic party, but it really has backfired now that we have seen the transcript.

Ryan Saavedra tweeted last week when it happened, “BREAKING: CNN reports that the whistleblower who falsely claimed that Trump tried to pressure Ukraine on the phone call earlier this year is a registered Democrat”

But now we’ve learned more. We’ve learned that there is much more bias involved than just between political parties. This “whistleblower” actually has worked for a current 2020 Presidential candidate.

Below is the only video coverage I have been able to locate so far of the news being reported.

According to Red State,

Given that this likely occurred some years ago before this person became a CIA agent, the most likely answer is that it was on one of Joe Biden’s campaigns or possibly under Biden during the Obama campaign. We had already heard rumors that the ICIG found bias toward Biden and this latest revelation drops everything into to place.

In short, we have a registered Democrat that worked for a Democrat presidential candidate, who went to Adam Schiff first, and we are supposed to believe this is all on the up and up? Yeah, I’m gonna go with a no on that one. The complaint itself has continues to fall apart, and even though he got some details of the call correct, none of his most salacious allegations have been shown to be true. If that sounds a lot like the Steele dossier, congrats on being more perceptive than all of the legacy media.

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