Black Trump Supporter Shuts Down “Feminist Dad” and “White Left-Wing Christian”

Last week, Stirling Morris, a self-proclaiming “Feminist” dad and “Gun Sense Reform Advocate” who is a white man posted a tweet in which he made clear that he would say “#F***Trump and f*** you” to anyone he saw wearing a MAGA hat in public.

He said that all MAGA hat wearers are “racist, xenophobic, homophobic, misogynistic, bigoted hate-mongers.”


Anthony Brian Logan, who just happens to be a black man commented with this photo, saying “We’re racist?”

Another woman, thinking she was going to outsmart the man replied to his photo:

“So you actively enjoy voting and going against your own self-interests? What exactly about this narcissistic madman white supremacist makes you want to side with him? REAL examples please. I’ll wait.”

Anthony Brian Logan dropped the mic after he replied,

“Please, miss white lady, tell me what my interests are? Because I’m just some slow black guy and I don’t know any better, right?”

According to The Daily Wire,

The constant drumbeat of the Left for decades is that blacks have no business voting for the Republican Party, despite the fact that it was Republicans who ended slavery; that Democratic president Woodrow Wilson segregated the entire Federal civil service and threw civil-rights leader William Monroe Trotter out of the Oval Office; and that Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s very first Supreme Court Nominee, Hugo Black, had been a member of the KKK, as had been former Senate Majority leader Robert Byrd.

As Mona Charen noted in National Review in 2015, “The party’s history is pockmarked with racism and terror. The Democrats were the party of slavery, black codes, Jim Crow, and that miserable terrorist excrescence, the Ku Klux Klan. Republicans were the party of Lincoln, Reconstruction, anti-lynching laws, and the civil rights acts of 1875, 1957, 1960, and 1964. Were all Republicans models of rectitude on racial matters? Hardly. Were they a heck of a lot better than the Democrats? Without question.”

Too often, liberals are thinking if you support Trump then you must be a racist. In reality, President Trump has done more to lift up the black community in America than any other President in history, including Barack Obama who is a black man.

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