BETO BUSTED! O’Rourke Gets Caught Lying Through His Teeth And It Costs Him BIG TIME

We all know that you can’t be a politician without being able to be a liar, and you actually need to be a good one at that.

It doesn’t seem that Beto O’Rourke is going to be able to fit into that mold.

Oh sure he’s definitely a liar, but he’s not a very good one. Just recently at a campaign event, O’Rourke made a comment that he takes no money from any lobbyists and as soon as the words leave his lips a member of the audience calls him out on taking $450,000 from Chevron lobbyists less than a month ago.

Check out the video below of a member of the audience calling out Beto.

According to The Washington Examiner,

Beto O’Rourke was confronted by an angry voter in New Hampshire Friday morning over a contribution he accepted from a fossil fuel lobbyist.

The exchange between O’Rourke and the woman unfolded during a town hall at a tea cafe in Somersworth, N.H., after it came out that the 2020 Democratic presidential hopeful received a $250 donation from a Chevron lobbyist based in New Mexico on Mar. 29. The Texas Democrat has repeatedly fundraised on the basis that he has no ties to special interest groups.

“I don’t take PAC money, have not taken PAC money for approaching five years now, as a member of Congress, as a Senate candidate, and now as a candidate for the presidency,” O’Rourke said before handing the microphone over to the woman so she did not “have to shout.”

She told him he took the maximum contribution from eight different oil and gas CEOs and executives, which makes it “harder for us to believe” his promises to combat climate change.

But did you notice how O’Rourke told her what she wanted to hear?

He told the lady that he just learned that day about that money from the Chevron lobbyist and that they’re returning the check.

Really, Beto? You just learned about a donation from a lobbyist that happened nearly a month ago? Your campaign managers don’t know not to accept these checks.

Also, he only mentioned that one check. The lady actually mentioned 8 different fossil fuel industry CEOs.

Beware of politicians. They will tell you what you want to hear. It doesn’t even matter if it’s true or not.

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