Barack and Hillary Panicking After Trump Hints of Opening Investigations for Obama and Clinton

Liberals have been doubting and dismissing President Trump’s tweets as nothing more than a man spouting off at the mouth.

If that’s what they’re doing, then they’re not paying attention. President Trump is a brilliant man with a brilliant plan and knows exactly what he is doing.

“Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the American people.  

“The Washington establishment and the financial and media corporations that fund it exists for only one reason, to protect and enrich itself.

“The establishment has trillions of dollars at stake in this election for those who control the levers of power in Washington and for the global special interests they partner with.”


Trump just now in the Oval Office:

– Subpoena all of Obama’s records.
– Subpoena all of the records having to do with Hillary Clinton.
– Subpoena the Clinton Foundation.
– Look into the book deal that President Obama made.
– GOP will hold House, Senate & White House.

Here is an older video, but a great reminder of how great our president is.

Oh, how I long for the day that a true investigation into Obama takes place and reveals how he was behind wiretapping Donald Trump before he was elected.

How about a real investigation into Hillary Clinton destroying tens of thousands of emails which contained classified documents that were leaked to foreign entities.

It shouldn’t even have to go that far because James Comey ADMITTED she broke the law but recommended no punishment for her. Instead, he just wanted to give her a smack on the wrist and tell her not to do it again.

The patriotic Americans we have in Congress as well as our Commander in Chief will not let this just slip through the crack. They will take care of the situation.

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