Trump had put a stop to announcing how many nukes we have since it lets our adversaries know just how powerful we are. Biden on the other hand decided to spread the information. But seeing as how he gifted the Taliban more weapons than they could imagine ever owning, it’s no surprise.
“On Tuesday, the U.S. State Department under President Joe Biden publicly disclosed the size of the U.S. nuclear arsenal in a reversal from the policy under President Donald Trump to keep the true size of the U.S. arsenal a secret.
In a press release, the State Department revealed as of 2020, the U.S. stockpile of nuclear warheads consisted of 3,750 warheads.
“The United States is releasing newly declassified information on the U.S. nuclear weapons stockpile to update the information previously released in September 2017,” the State Department press release states. “Increasing the transparency of states’ nuclear stockpiles is important to nonproliferation and disarmament efforts, including commitments under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, and efforts to address all types of nuclear weapons, including deployed and non-deployed, and strategic and non-strategic.”
The last time the U.S. government released its nuclear stockpile number was in March 2018, when it revealed it had 3,822 warheads as of September 2017. Following that disclosure, Trump made the size of the U.S. nuclear arsenal a secret and denied a request by the Federation of American Scientists to declassify the number, the Associated Press reported.
The Associated Press reported the nuclear stockpile numbers for 2019 and 2018 were also revealed. The U.S. had 3,805 nuclear warheads in 2018 and 3,785 in 2019.”
I would hope that this is a made-up number just to set the world at ease. But Biden doesn’t strike me as someone who is playing with a full deck, especially now with his obvious dementia. And really with the Afghanistan evacuation blunder and our ongoing border crisis all in within the first year of his presidency, I’m just glad they are not including the launch codes with their announcement.
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