Antivaxer Charged For Doing The Nastiest Thing To California Lawmakers

captured from video

California lawmakers have not been managing the state very well. It has lead to the homeless epidemic, rat infestation, and made the wildfires worse than normal. But it looks like they did at least one thing right when they forced anti-vaxers to vaccinate their children. But not everyone was on board with it, an anti-vaxer, Rebecca Dalelio, protested in the vilest way as she threw her menstrual blood at a group of California Lawmakers from a visitor’s balcony.

Dalelio, 43, has been charged with one felony count of assault on a public official and one felony count of vandalism. If convicted, she could face up to three years in county jail.

The charges stem from a September incident in which Dalelio allegedly threw blood contained in a feminine hygiene device off the balcony of the Senate chamber’s visitors gallery and onto senators sitting below. The incident occurred on the final day of the 2019 legislative session and was suspected to be in protest of legislation signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom that week that limited exemptions for childhood vaccinations.

The complaint lists 10 senators whom Dalelio is accused of assaulting.

The fluid hit multiple people and splashed onto desks and the carpet, forcing the chamber to be cleared. As the contents of the cup were thrown, a voice in the crowd was heard saying the action was “for the dead babies.”

Some lawmakers left to shower and at least one legislator was treated for blood exposure the next day.”

In September, California Gov. Gavin Newsom, a Democrat, signed a bill that all but eliminated exemptions to the state’s laws regarding mandatory vaccinations for children. The Daily Wire at the time reported that some “California residents, however, who say that the bill represents a shocking governmental overreach that threatens their personal autonomy, are pushing to have the law included on the November ballot.

The bills that Newsom signed last year (there was a package) where designed to keep doctors from giving parents fraudulent medical excuses for children’s vaccinations. California’s childhood vaccination rate has been falling in recent years, which has led to multiple outbreaks of completely preventable diseases, such as the measles. The drop in the vaccination rate is occurring largely within the white, upper-middle-class areas of the state.”

These anti-vaxers just don’t understand the danger they are putting their children in.

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8 thoughts on “Antivaxer Charged For Doing The Nastiest Thing To California Lawmakers”
  1. Actually, most anti-vaxxers are far more informed on the issues of vaccinations than even doctors.
    Most vaccines are ineffective and can exacerbate the disease, since those that are vaccinated can sluff the disease, being asymptomatic carriers.
    Furthermore, the adjuvants in vaccines are highly toxic and can cause far worse issues than the original disease that they are supposed to prevent.
    Forcing people to inject themselves and/or their children with a toxic cocktail of chemicals and known fragmented DNA under penalty of imprisonment, when the actual disease is quite benign, is criminal.

    1. I have to agree. Many vaccines being pushed today are not needed. And the side effects are much worse that the disease. The HPV vaccine is one of them. But with the push destroying morals the need for some of these things end up being needed.

    2. Many years ago my neighbor had a little girl
      who was about 2 years old. This baby girl
      got a regular vaccination for a childhood
      disease. But within a few months, this child
      became paralyzed from the vaccination and
      had to be in a wheel chair for the rest of her
      life. She died in her early 20’s. What went

  2. I wish all the *libtards (cardi b) in this great country of ours would follow her lead!!!! * Liberalism is a mental retardation disorder that afflicts young and old, rich and poor, cross party lines, Millennials and you know the rest. Leading the libtards are Shiff for brains,Bella Pelosi,Mutt Romney,Hillary,Waters,the squad, all the libtards running for President! The view and worst of all the treasonous RINOs! These are just some of the poster girls in the godless deranged Satanist Muslim NAZI Commie Demoncrat party!Stop these traitors/weirdos from turning the US into godless shit holes like the lib run cities!!!!!

  3. I do not approve of the way the woman protested this unjust law. It is an unjust law however. I’m lucky enough to be old enough to have had measles, mumps, chicken pox and rubella so I have life long immunity and when I breast fed my kids I passed that immunity along to them during that time. What I really don’t understand is why if vaccines work do people worry about unvaccinated kids? I believe in informed consent to any medical treatment what are all the ingredients in vaccines and their side effects. When drugs are advertised on TV and magazines they have to list them. I also know that vaccines are NEVER TESTED WITH A PLACEBO LIKE ALL OTHER DRUGS ARE. Doses are also not varied to the size of the patient, babies, children and adults get the same dose ( I hope I’m wrong on this but I don’t think so). What is the SIDS death rate of vaccinated and unvaccinated babies? The autism rate in vaccinated and unvaccinated kids? What are the allergy rates (deadly ones like peanut) between vaccinated and the unvaccinated? Why aren’t studies done? And why should parents trust the government? Oh and isn’t it strange that anti-vaccers among the most educated of parents???

    1. Because many of them don’t really work and when people engage in unhealthy behaviors they need things to protect them. And it is interesting that things like peanut allergy and autism seem to have a direct relationship to increase in questionable vaccinations when one looks at the history over the last 50 years.

  4. It gives new meaning to the term ‘ON THE RAG’ but since it’s California good luck to her. She got her period, sorry, point across!

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