Another Presidential Dem Bites The Dust

The Dems Presidential Candidates are slowly being thinned out. It’s surprising that more of them have not dropped out yet like Yang, Gabbard, or Klobuchar. But at least Booker understands that he is not making it to the top and has decided to stop wasting his time and drop from the presidential race.

New Jersey Senator Cory Booker suspended his presidential bid on Monday, acknowledging what has been apparent for months — that he isn’t building the support needed to win the Democratic nomination.

Booker, who will be participating in the Senate impeachment trial of President Trump, wrote in a Medium post published Monday morning that the best way to beat Trump at the ballot box in 2020 is “to reignite our spirit of common purpose to take on our biggest challenges and build a more just and fair country for everyone.”

“I will carry this fight forward — I just won’t be doing it as a candidate for president this year,” Booker wrote. “It’s with a full heart that I share this news — I’ve made the decision to suspend my campaign for president.”

Our campaign has reached the point where we need more money to scale up and continue building a campaign that can win — money we don’t have, and money that is harder to raise because I won’t be on the next debate stage and because the urgent business of impeachment will rightly be keeping me in Washington,” Booker wrote.”

Watch The Clip Below.

Booker has been hanging on by a thread. He has not raised enough money and even resorted to trying to play the race card to get some extra votes.

Of all of the people who’ve qualified for the next Democratic debate stage, not one is a person of color,” Booker wrote in an email to supporters a couple of days ago. “For a party as diverse as ours, in an election where communities of color will decide the outcome, that’s wrong.”

It looks like Booker’s call for diversity was not heard by the Dems. I guess they don’t care about diversity when it comes to presidential candidates.

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  • I wish all the *libtards (cardi b) in this great country of ours would follow her lead!!!! * Liberalism is a mental retardation disorder that afflicts young and old, rich and poor, cross party lines, Millennials and you know the rest. Leading the libtards are Shiff for brains,Bella Pelosi,Mutt Romney,Hillary,Waters,the squad, all the libtards running for President! The view and worst of all the treasonous RINOs! These are just some of the poster girls in the godless deranged Satanist Muslim NAZI Commie Demoncrat party!Stop these traitors/weirdos from turning the US into godless shit holes like the lib run cities!!!!!

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