Dems/Libs don’t want to hear anything about voter fraud, computer glitches, or a fair election. They believe Biden won and that’s that. South Dakota Republican Gov. Kristi Noem appeared on “This Week,” with host George Stephanopoulos and tried to make him see reason and understand that this election is not yet over, but she may as well have been talking to a wall. Stephanopoulos not only refused to acknowledge what she was saying, in a recap of the interview he lied about their exchange claiming she had no evidence to support Trump.
They started the interview with Stephanopoulos echoing the previous guest Gov. Cuomo, who suggested Governors accept Biden already so they can be honest about the severity of COVID.
“…Cases are up, hospitalizations are up, deaths are up, Are you prepared to work with president-elect Biden to get it under control?” Stephanopoulos asked Gov Noem.
“Well, it is a regional increase that we’re seeing. We are testing more,” Noem replied. “And, frankly George I’m not going to take advice from Gov. Cuomo. He has the second-worst death rate per 100,000 people in this nation. He’s at 173 deaths per 100,000 per capita; South Dakota’s at 54. I appreciated that President Trump gave us the flexibility to do the right thing in our state, and we’ll continue to do that. He let me do my job.”
“But the other thing that I think is going on here, George, is this is all premature,” Noem continued. “This is a premature conversation because we have not finished counting votes. There’re states that have not been called and back in 2000, Al Gore was given his day in court. We should give President Trump his day in court, let the process unfold because, George, we live in a republic. We are a government that gets its power from the consent of the governed. That is the people. They give their consent on Election Day. Election Day needs to be fair, honest, and transparent, and we need to be sure that we had an honest election before we decide who gets to be in the White House the next four years.”
Stephanopoulos then asked Noem if she had “any evidence that it wasn’t an honest election” or evidence of “widespread fraud.” Stephanopoulos reassured his audience that there wasn’t any before allowing Noem to respond claiming he had talked to GOP Secretary of States who had stated there was none to be had. Noem then proceeded to correct the political commentator.
“And that is not true, that is absolutely no true” Noem answered. “People have signed legal documents, affidavits, stating that they saw illegal activities and that is why we need to have this conversation in court. The New York Times itself has said there were clerical errors. … in Michigan we had computer glitches that turned Republican votes to Democrat votes. You look in Pennsylvania, dead people voted in Pennsylvania.”
“So George, I don’t know how widespread it is. I don’t know if it will change the outcome of the election,” Noem admitted. “But why is everybody so scared just to have a fair election and find out? We gave Al Gore 37 days to run the process before we decided who was going to be president. Why would we not afford the 70.6 million Americans that voted for Trump the same consideration? If Joe Biden really wants to unify this country, he would wait and make sure we had a fair election.”
Stephanopoulos claimed that the Bush-Gore presidential election was far closer so apparently, Trump doesn’t deserve a fair vote…
Watch The Clip Below.
Pressed by @GStephanopoulos on whether she has any evidence to support Pres. Trump’s election claims, GOP North Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem does not provide any evidence, but also refuses to acknowledge that Joe Biden as the apparent winner of the presidency.
— This Week (@ThisWeekABC) November 8, 2020
Stephanopoulos snuck in there the last jab that was ridiculous. Gov Noem said there were sworn affidavits by people claiming there was voter fraud, computer glitches, and dead people voting. I guess those things are all suddenly ok because Biden won. But had the shoe been on the other foot, you know the MSM would be grasping at straws, demanding recounts and above all, a fair election.
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