The always loud and obnoxious Maxine Waters is at it again. She is exaggerating about what is going on at the border and finding the most inciting ways to say...
Rep Maxine Water has been pushing her angry anti-Trump tirades for years now. But Trump was not the only target of her scorn. She also came down on Trump supporters...
Mad Maxine is a regular on the MSM and is clearly obsessed with Trump. She rattles on and on about Trump, even on her birthday she has slandered him. MSM...
The Dem’s latest theory is that Trump is now working some devious plan to stop them from winning the election. They claim that he is trying to mess up the...
There are protests all across the country some more violent than others. These protests are over the death of George Floyd and the response to it. Pelosi and Water are...
House Dems are already making plans for what they will do when Trump is acquited. It’s like they know that their case is going to fail for some reason, as...