Maxine Waters Threatens That House Dems Will Not Stop Pursuing Trump

House Dems are already making plans for what they will do when Trump is acquited. It’s like they know that their case is going to fail for some reason, as if they didn’t have adequate evidence to impeach Trump… House Dem Blowhard Maxine Waters is already claiming that she is readying another case against Trump, this time in relation to finances.

What about if the president is ultimately acquitted by the Senate? Do you see the house potentially taking up other articles of impeachment against him? You are the chair of the Financial Services Committee. There has been plenty of talk of emoluments clause violations. Might those potentially be stronger than what we’ve seen here, could that be taken up?” MSNBC’s Alex Witt asked Waters.

“Let me just say this. All of us have the responsibility for oversight. Yes, I have subpoenaed documents from Deutsche bank,” Waters declared.

“Yes, I am concerned about the financial affairs of the president of the United States, including money laundering. And I’m continuing with that. As a matter of fact…”

“…the subpoenas that I’ve issued that’s gone through the lower courts are now going to be heard at the Supreme Court in March. We will not stop. Whether or not that leads to another impeachment activity, I don’t know. But I know we must continue with the work that our constituents have elected us to come to Congress to do.”

Watch the Clip Below. 

This is to be expected of Mad Maxine she is just as bad as Rep Al Green when it comes to disdain for Trump. Waters has been preaching about impeaching 45 since 2017.

Waters has even claimed that Trump is a shill of Putins and feels he is going to invite the Russian leader to the White House if he is not removed.

“Revelation by former WH officials proves what we’ve known all along: Trump is . Trump repeated Putin’s talking point that Ukraine, not Russia, interfered in the ‘16 election. Mark my words. If the Senate doesn’t remove him, Trump will invite Putin to the WH next yr.”

Her tweet is supposedly related to Trump’s feeling it is Ukraine that meddled with the 2016 election, not the Russians. Waters is probably right, Dems are going to continue to pester Trump, and they will have plenty of time to do it too, after he wins the 2020 presidential election.

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  • Waters is a disgusting EVIL lying sack of garbage… They have been after President Trump BEFORE he was ever sworn into office… Trump is NOT a puppet of Putin or anyone else… and Ukraine DID help interfere in the 2016 election to help Clinton… the illegal aliens influence our elections just by being in our country…. WHY do they say NOTHING about that….districts are drawn up and representatives set up by the number of people and they count the illegal aliens who do NOT even belong here…. The democRATS are the party of lying evil losers… it is WAY past time to vote these losers out of office.. they would rather waste their time and our tax dollars on constant attacks on our president…instead of working FOR the American people… this country cannot under any circumstances, allow a democRAT to acquire the office of President.. their policies WILL destroy the country and the American people…

  • This POS, maxine waters, is a prime example why no one should ever vote democrat again. She’s a liar and the move vile individual on the planet. She’s robbed her district blind, while doing absolutely nothing for them but being sure to line her own pockets and that of her family. She’s got a screw loose and needs to be institutionalized. For her to talk about the wrong-doings of anyone is nothing but a joke.

  • Let’s see Maxie. You were censured for insider info giving your husband the opportunity to buy into a bank merger. You have been found to be paying your daughter out of campaign funds simply for being your daughter and best of all you live nowhere in your district. Why haven’t you been totally investigated and removed?

  • Mad Max …. what a joke!
    These TRAITORS have been spinning the same tune since before Trump was even ELECTED.
    At least Trump is actually ELIGIBLE to the Office …. unlike the Usurper Obama.
    No matter what happens, no matter what Trump does, these Swamp Creatures will continue in their efforts to unseat him until their dying breath.

  • Maxine Waters sure raised a lot of hell about a gay black man – supposedly beaten by a couple of WHITE – Trump supporters wearing MAGA hats at 2:00 AM in CHICAGO. Maxine is still demanding “Justice for Jussie” and – demanding – that Smollets be compensated “For all he has been through”. Even though Smollets has been exposed for FAKING that attack to get some attention. However there have been 2 gay black men turn up dead and another who has photo evidence of beatings he received at the hands of Adam Schiff. The two dead men were found at Democrat – Hillary Clinton – Adam Schiff and probably Maxine Waters too – Mega-Donor Ed Buck’s home. Buck is now in jail – after over 2 years – charged with 5 Felony counts in regards to these men’s deaths and also for Methamphetamine distribution. TWO dead and one severely (and actually) beaten gay black men in her OWN DAMNED DISTRICT and Maxine Waters has been silent about it. WHY? I know she does not live ion her district but she supposedly represents those people. Seems more to me like she SOLD OUT the people she rep[resents to put more money in her pockets.

  • Maxine Waters has been in D.C. for 30 years. In all that time she has managed to get 3 meaningless bills passed. An average of 1 meaningless bill every 10 years. Maxine Waters has been named “The Most Corrupt Person In Congress” 5 times in her miserable career. Other than funneling taxpayer money and campaign contributions to her family can ANYONE name ONE of Maxine Waters accomplishments?

  • Mad Max is the reason the Commie Dems are going Down!! Better yet, she is a good reason to vote TRUMP!!

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